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Help SV R500 duratec won't start

Rob Walker

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Friend ran his car very low on petrol today then filled up at the Petrol Station.  The car will now not start even with jump leads and a large battery.  All usual things checked like inertia cut off and immobiliser.  Anyone had this problem what was the fix.  The only  thing I can think of is that the car uses a single ended fuel line and its become air locked, but with an additional battery and long cranking period this should have been forced through the injectors.

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Usual suggestion, blast of easy start in the intake to rule out fueling issues.  If it starts, you know it's not getting fuel.  

Also, need a bit of clarification on the OP.  Did it not start immediately after refuelling or later on?  Did it cut out before he refuelled?

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On my 911 I had the relay for the engine bay cooling fan fall out completely - this is buried under the parcel shelf carpet. I'd only had the car a couple of weeks, got a big red dash error warning. It turned from a worrying expensive fix to smug DIY repair!


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Re #10: 

Oh dear, that's a shame.   Credit to you for trying to help.

Perhaps the owner can be persuaded to share the garage diagnosis and fix?  That would help other owners with similar problems, although it could be a tad embarrassing if it transpires he's paid out a significant wedge for someone to replace a fuse.


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