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Goodwood 2021 results

Alan Bowler

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A great day in the Goodwood sunshine, and good to be back on track.

Please find the results on the calendar page or click here: https://www.lotus7.club/sites/default/files/images/users/12678/2021/Goodwood%202021.pdf

Please let me know of any mistakes/issues. As this is a new underlying format, there may be some gremlins. 

Well done to novice Harry Wykes for a class win, and Mike Sankey for a class record.

A tricky subject next. Graham "Hill" Howard and Paul "Peter" Collins both wanted a prize, and PB hats and class wins were out of reach.
As joint organisers, they were clearly conspiring to take the yellow trowel* in convoy.

Graham managed 4 wheels on the beautiful Goodwood lawn, following a 270 spin heading towards the chicane.
Seconds later, Paul managed 2x 360's through Woodcote, but only two wheels on the grass.

So much for setting an example.

So, who gets the trowel for Hethel?
I vote for Graham.



* an award for "grassy/muddy moments", attached to the winner's car at the next event.


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Thanks Alan for getting the scores out so quickly. What a fantastic day it was at Goodwood, the long wait was certainly worth it.

About the yellow trowel......slightly embarrassing that 2 of the most experienced ( or oldest!) drivers should be competing for it. I am sure that if we had completed our runs we would have been vying for the class win *smile* . I am not sure that the comp scorer's duties extend to awarding the yellow trowel.

Very impressive driving from Harry Wykes on his first event in class 1.

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Sadly you seem to have got my times correct AB but I like the format *yes*

My vote for the yellow trowel (for those competitors who aren't yellow trowel aware, have a look at the Roger Cumming profile - Class 2 - in the latest Competitor Handbook) goes to "Hill" Howard

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It's been a while since I uploaded any videos (my YouTube channel shows the last one was in 2019) so let's try and keep on top of it this year. Had a great day at Goodwood even if I was the only one in my class. Here's my 3rd timed run:

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