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Effectiveness of rear deflectors / windjammers

Terry Field

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I had a S3 with a SBFS draught reducer. Given that I'm 6'2" and sat a far back as possible I found the wind whistled into my right lughole. I now have an SV and can sit further forward which helps the wind coming around the door. I made my own draught reducer which covers all of the roll bar. More effective than the SBFS one and cost about a tenner.
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Recommendation number 1: https://www.google.com/search?q=silk+square&rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBGB723GB800&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiYg9j7hMfvAhW9ZxUIHQQXDMIQ_AUoAXoECAMQAw&biw=1536&bih=754

Recommendation number 2: https://www.sevenregalia.com/product/neck-warmer-buff/

Also, I think someone used the longer SV doors on an S3.  I have looked through the archive but it must have been here on BC.


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When I had an S3 Thundersport did an really good screen that was like an envelope over the roll bar which I sold when I moved to my current SV.  Thundersport said I was lucky as this was a development product which they had not had chance to develop when I asked about one for the SV, which is a shame as it was better than the other option which I also had on the S3 and now have to have on my SV.

The soft-bits one is ok but as all have said leaves a lot of space for rear drafts, I wish both companies would look at it again.


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#6, Stewart,

Yours looks like it might be more easily stowed away.  Please could you supply more details. 

Does the screen have any curtain wire in the sides, or only top and bottom?

I can't see from the picture how you used curtain hooks for the bottom.  Are you able to provide close up piccies?

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Thank you, Stewart, I shall refer this to The Boss, my curtains advisor.  She's often talking about there being curtains for me, but I've never been quite sure what she meant. 

Stephen, she's tried the scarf thingy.  Unless its clamped in place by the intercom headset, it only seems to work for Grace Kelly, driving around the hills of Monte Carlo at a sedate pace.  Besides which, she only complains that I don't look like Cary Grant!

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#13 Stewart, think that looks an easier solution than mine. Wondering if two layers of flyscreen would reduce the backdraft/spray even more. I also fitted some right angled plastic edging to the bottom to stop the run off water running down the carpeted rear bulkhead and soaking the floor area behind the seats. 

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Can you provide a link for that particular mesh, Stewart?  It doesn't look like the sort of flyscreen stuff I've seen.  It looks more like the material for proper pouches, fisherman's waistcoats, military webbing, etc..

Thought of going into business?

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I'm sorry Alan I can't supply a link to the material. I paid a visit to a fabric shop in Blackpool and found the fabric by chance. I'm not sure what its purpose is. You could be right, I thought it looks like the material that lines waterproof clothing.                             Funny you should ask about the business though. Someone saw my effort and asked if I could make another. It's not really practical though, as I would have to make it in situ. PM sent

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