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56,000 Topic in Tech Talk

Alastair B

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Hmmmm... I think that most TechTalk questions do get satisfactory answers. I'd be interested in others' views.

56,000 is a lot of Topics, but of course it's many fewer topics... 

The knowledge made available and the sheer helpfulness of so many Member is simply remarkable, and a major benefit of the Club for many of us. 

And we could make it even better by a few changes: some behavioural and some technical.

Thanks to the webmaster and everyone else who keep this going for us.


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Yes Jonathan.

It is certainly true that more threads covering very specific issues are much easier to sort through (as a user) than long generalised threads which take ages to view, in search of a little gem of information. I don't want spend 15 or 20 minutes scanning through a dozen pages to find that the answer isn't there.

Better titling would certainly help because then you are just searching titles not text.

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On another forum I frequent (car related!) threads of similar themes often get merged by the moderators. This often causes the nuances of the individual threads to be lost in a multi page epic.

The same forum does suggest existing threads when you go to create a new title. 

I really enjoy contributing to techtalk and (hopefully) helping others to fix their sevens based on my own knowledge and experience, but also remembering threads from the past where the fix is still relevant and current. It is a vast repository of information we need to look after!



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When I am planning a project that is largely unfamiliar, that may or may not get done in the end, I do a google site search of lotus7.club and opening sufficient links to allow me to understand the options and opinions of others. Then I will copy/paste into MS word or such a summary of what are the main considerations, options, tasks, what to buy, top tips etc. It would not really represent a publishable document for others, but it helps me organise my thoughts from the vast knowledge on TechTalk. Clearly the broken links from 'old' blatchat are a nuisance, but it is what it is.

The looking and finding of the information has its own element of fun as you invariably stumble on some other 'gem' worth reading. Do others take this or similar approaches?


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I think the technical part of blatchat is excellent. Rarely does a question not get a trustworthy reply - in fact I can't remember seeing an unresolved question. The Google search works well too. We are fortunate to have such knowledgeable members that are prepared to give up their time to help others. 

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Re #9:

The looking and finding of the information has its own element of fun as you invariably stumble on some other 'gem' worth reading. Do others take this or similar approaches?

Yes, that's pretty much my method, too.  Often entertaining, and always informative.


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