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Blat Run - it's New Year Resolution time

London West AR

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For those of you out there who run from any distance to long distance from slow to fast let us know what your Couch to 5, 10 K, 20 K, 40K, 50K and 100 K and Super Ultra plans are for 2021/2022 so we that we can keep Mo Steer, our ever young Charity supremo and long term Club Member, updated on fund raising opportunities.

There are several marathons and half marathons that will definitely be running this year and I know where and when they are and would love to put a Blat Run Team together. You can park safely too.

It's the lowest cost way to reduce the weight of your car.

Send us an e-mail if you are remotely tempted and I will see what I can do to persuade you.


or give me a call 

Geoff Varrall

07710 020 040




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Blat Hikes?

Geoff - a skiing injury prevents me from joining your BLAT RUNS 2021 but I will be doing a "Mighty Hike" in the Peak District in July 2021 for the MacMillan Cancer Charity.  Happy to donate anything I raise over and above my target of £250 to the Club Charity!

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