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Entries now open for 2021 Northampton Motorsport Lotus Seven Club Speed Championship

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Happy New year…..it will be better than 2020 with much more motor sport to look forward to.

We are pleased to announce that entries for the 2021 Northampton Motorsport Lotus Seven Club Speed Championship are now open.


To enter please Login to My LoveAdmin Account at the top of the club web site. If you have any problems logging in please contact the Admin team at adminteam@lotus7.club.

Also live on LoveAdmin are the entry forms for the 2 Curborough sprints, so you could enter these as well whilst you are there!


We are hoping for a full season this year and if any of the early events cannot take place we will try to replace them with events later on. The regulations are published on the club web site and there are only minor changes from 2020.


To be eligible for the Novice Championship you have be comply with one of the following:

  • Be a first time holder of an MSUK Competition Licence in 2020 or 2021
  • Be a first time holder of an MSUK Competition Licence in 2019 and competed only in the Lotus Seven Club Curborough Sprints.


Everybody entering by March 1st will receive a T shirt, Competitor Handbook, Championship stickers and have a competitor number reflecting previous results.


Please send me any photos you would like us to use on the competitor pages of the handbook. This will typically include a a photo of you and of your car, but anything more imaginative could be considered.


Also remember that if you renew your competition licence in January you will receive a 25% discount from MSUK ( this is for 2020 licence holders only).


Joint family members please read this:


With the recent changes in the membership rules of the club to give voting rights only to full members this has affected the rights of joint family members to enter MSUK events. Please read the Speed Championship Joint Membership Upgrade.pdf from Simon Houghton, Membership Secretary, and complete the form to upgrade your membership for a reduced fee of £10 if you are currently a joint family member wanting to  enter the championship. To offset this we will be offering a £5 discount to 2nd dual drivers at our 2 Curborough sprints. If you are a full member please disregard this paragraph and the attachment.


If you have any questions please contact one of the Competition team, we are hoping for a bumper year after all the disappointments in 2020.

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Thanks Graham

Take my money!!!

Just the tonic needed now the nightmare that was 2020 is over. Finally having something tangible to focus on has put a spring in my step this morning.

Have entered the championship and registered for both Curborough events.

Here's looking forward to a full and uninterrupted season.

Happy new year to all.


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@  Competition  license costs, 

I was glad to see the MSA offer of discount on the £59 inter club license cost of the comp license if applied for before the end of January , so applied promptly , but I was then informed that I needed a Doctors confirmation letter that I was still fit to be issued with a license,( this is because of a minor TIA 5 years ago, even though the forms stated if there had been no change in your health conditions since issue of 2020 licence, this would be waived) so I try to arrange for a letter with my Doctor , but surprisingly they are a bit busy at the moment , so I then wait 4 weeks before  sending a chasing e mail to my to my practise for a Doctors letter, which last year cost me £85.00, and am still waiting for a reply and feeling very guilty in adding to their  workload. So if my Doctor can finally find time to produce a letter and send to the MSA, I will get a Competition license , at a non discounted cost of £139 , to be able to compete in a sprint or hill climb when I wil be driving for at least 10 competition minutes in the whole day, but may have driven 5/6 hours in a 4x4 towing a trailer on my standard driving licence , Is this just a wingeing comment or is something not quite right? 










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Hi Tony ,

Yes, Blyton was a disappointment, that wide open circuit, of long straights, and the disadvantage you  have   with your car being at least 30kg heavier,and an engine producing just 152.5 hp, I will just have to put it down to your improved driving skill ,and input from the good coaching team you have employed to support you!!  As a old age pensioner, I will just have to get used to being  occasionally up staged by a younger generation with money to spend and improving  skills , perhaps you would help me out and  let me see a video of your Blyton runs so I may try to hone my failing physical skills as old age takes its toll. *punch*




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Well well,

I never expected that I would be agreeing with you, but yes my skills seem to have improved and that must largely be down to my coaching and support team.

As for playing the OAP card perhaps that's debatable, but ok I will put my video at your disposal and buy you breakfast when you are feeling a bit hard up!! 

Can't say that's not in the spirit of the championship


Have you had your vaccine letter yet?

 *rofl*  *rofl*  *rofl*


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ref Class 3.

         As there are now 17  entries in Class 3 of the championship which is impressive with old lags  and new competitors listed, could I raise the question of the previous  Gentlemen's agreement that we will use Avon ZZS tyres if feasible , ie new competitors will use what they have already on their cars, but regular faces will use the ZZS to keep the competition equitable without tyre advantages, I raise the question as I will need to fit new tyres for the new season, and if the agreement has fallen by the wayside I would consider using an alternative tyre. Would a show of virtual hands be in order ? To confirm our thoughts ?



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  • Leadership Team

Hi Philip,

For once we agree, I can see no benefit of a tyre war so would strongly support the continuation of our Gentlemen's agreement to continue to use ZZSs. 

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  • Area Representative

Hi Phil,

Like Rob, I don't think it's really in anyone's interests to have a tyre war.

I have no plans to use anything other than ZZS's.

that said, I would not exclude any newcomer arriving with whatever class legal tyre they have. I really doubt there is a significant overall advantage to running anything other than ZZSs.

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     “ just put new ZZS tyres  on” so 2020  spec, in stock for at least a year so possibly 2019 , hope you got a good discount ? , i’ sure they will be fine, as you can make up the reduced grip with the new skills you have acquired !! And you can always change the map on the engine to compensate.   *punch*

Hope all is well with you, looking forward to the season which should start in June if we are lucky !!



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     “ just put new ZZS tyres  on” so 2020  spec, in stock for at least a year so possibly 2019 , hope you got a good discount ? , i’ sure they will be fine, as you can make up the reduced grip with the new skills you have acquired !! And you can always change the map on the engine to compensate.   *punch*

Hope all is well with you, looking forward to the season which should start in June if we are lucky !!



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