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Advice pls, crutch strap fouling seat rail


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They are 100% different, the standard Tillet doesn't have the captive nuts holding them to the floor.  What the dimensional differences are, I don't know because I have never seen the two parts side by side,  What I do know is when I spoke to the factory about my build, and spoke about the runners and the possibility to using the 620 runners on the standard Tillets they said it wasn't possible. 

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If you look at Daniel's blog photo, which shows the rubber bung from the original Tillet seat fitting holes.   You can see the 620R seat holes are drilled about 2 - 3 cm back, assuming the photo is taken from the passenger side.   I think the photo is taken from the passenger side because the exhaust isn't present, and I think you can see a rear wheel blurred in the background.

I have no other evidence other than this photo from 2016, but I suspect it shows the 620R seats have the runners fitted further back in the floor plan, and this is the cause of your problem. Personally I would contact CC to gain advice about fitting a crutch straps with 620R seats and lowered floors, but understand this may be complex.   

I have found photos of 620R seats with crutch straps from google image searches, so it must be possible.

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This issue is now resolved.

This morning with the help of a mate we blitz through a number of setup configurations trying to find a solution.   We also started the process of designing a brace across the back.  

In the end, we reverted to my original thought of reversing both rails, which places the seat further back on the rail to start with.  This provides sufficient clearance to achieve the same seating position without the strap retainer.  This approach does require the forward most seat hole in the offside adjustable rail to be elongated.  It's out by a few mm.  I've reinforced the hole with a large thick washer which doesn't foul the runner.

It's a simple fix, but I think better than bracing the rear etc.  

I'll post more info in my up coming blog, although we didn't get any pics.  Simon Lambert has promised me an update on the 620 cooling next week, he's also going look into this issue.  I suspect it's something that's been overlooked, but we'll see what the feedback is.  Although I'm happy with my solution.   Thanks all for the support, I certainly didn't consider the fact the rail was bespoke to the 620 seats.




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I'm not following your comment.  The harness including all points are mounted on as designed.  The near side rail is reversed, without any other changes,  It's only the offside rail front bolt hole which has a minor change.  I'm not sure why this represents an issue. 

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I thought you still had the issue of the rail on the offside still hits the harness mount plate due to the fact that a lot of the rail protrudes behind the seat mounting point. That is the bit that looks as though it can be cut off without affecting any functionality or safety, allowing the seat to slide back further without that rail hitting the mounting plate. The only potential issue I could see is that the seat locking lever may not lock the seat in the most forward possible positions if the rear of the rail with the locking holes in it is shortened.

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