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Asbestos in a 2003 SV


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I am exporting my 2003 SV  K series to Australia so have to comply with the no asbestos rules. 

Any thoughts on if there is likely to be an asbestos in the car? I don't believe there is any.

The car has the original clutch, gaskets etc, brake blocks are new this year.



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Hi.  I have done a lot of work with asbestos issues over the years.  It is highly unlikely that there are asbestos fibres present in friction materials post 2000, unless they were old stock that had been sat on a shelf.

The only way to be 100% sure of course would be to have a sample of the relevant friction material analysed at a UKAS accredited laboratory.

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  • 5 months later...

Curly - did you ever get to the bottom of this? I am looking into taking my 7 to Oz when we move later this year and this was one of the things that came up. 

Will be great to learn more about your experience of moving the vehicle - will PM you.

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