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2020 Speed Championship cancellation

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It is with much regret that the decision has been made to cancel the 2020 Northampton Motorsport Lotus 7 Club Speed Championship.

Last week we sought opinions from you as to how to proceed. 22 of you (about one third of competitors) replied and the majority opinion is that we should just compete in whatever events that remain just for fun.

As you know all of the events in July have been cancelled and some of the other remaining events have yet to be confirmed. It is difficult to have a meaningful championship when the number of events is unknown. Also we don’t know when hotels and camping facilities will be open for those who have to stay overnight. There could also be regional travel restrictions.

All this is probably not  a surprise to most of you…..but we can still have some fun this year at the surviving events . Our Curborough weekend at the end of August is planned to go ahead. Please  enter soon if you want to take part.

We still have invites to all the other events which were part of the championship

As there will not be T-shirts, books or stickers this year, we will be refunding the entry fees for the championship. 

Let’s look forward to 2021!

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Hi Guys

It's the correct shout in my opinion.  A tough position to be in but I think it's sensible.

Lets have some fun when we are allowed out.

Now there is even more time for upgrades and Suspension Service for all those who haven't in the past 2 years!.

My offer still stands for all our club members.  25% off


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Hi Graham,

Bec and I hadn't quite got round to putting our championship entries in, but for what it is  worth, this is undoubtedly the correct decision given the circumstances. 

We will be getting our Curborough entries in soon! 


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Can I ask a quick question - normally we are invited to other events on the basis that we are members of the speed championship, and have to produce our little cards at sign on at some events.  I am assuming general membership cards will suffice?  Or does that requirement go away

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The regulations normally say the event is open to members of a list of clubs or registered championships. So a club membership card should suffice.

if we anticipated a problem we will provide championship cards.

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For the avoidance of doubt, 

Harewood, Curborough (BMMC), Wiscombe, Blyton & Anglesey are all open to Lotus 7 Club members in addition to those in the Championship.

It's part of the reason why we amended the wording of the regulations a couple of years ago for the championship to base the the event scoring on Championship Contenders rather than competitors in class.

Over the years we've tried to open opportunities up for club members to compete with clubs we run championship rounds with without having to be a member of another club, even on dates when we are not there as a championship round. For example this year a club member could have compete on any event run by Longton, or Barc Midlands.



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Hi Chris,/ Comps Team

I have heard that Barc Connaught Championship  which I only joined yesterday is cancelled, Longton has cancelled , L7 cancelled, but some individual events may go ahead, how would we find out about said events /calendar / entry procedures ? Or is this a current unknown?

your thoughts?


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HI Philip

Some individual events may go ahead. We haven't had confirmation of any except for the 2 Curborough events.

Entry procedure will be as normal, I will put links to entry forms on the calendar page when they are available. Very frustrating I know but some venues will find it difficult to go ahead whilst complying with COVID 19 restrictions.


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