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Getting back on track

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Most of you will have seen the release this week of the guidance issued by Motorsport UK as how events can be run safely whilst social distancing and other government measures are in place.

In case you didn't see it, it is here.

You may be asking if that means our championship can start in July. I have heard from Gurston and Loton that they are having discussions as to if and how they can run their events whilst complying with MSUK guidance, and hopefully next week we will know if the first 2 rounds of our championship in July are able to take place. 

We will be having similar discussion with the Marshals club about how we can run the August Curborough events. 

As things stand we have 10 events left in this year's championship and our thoughts are that we should reduce the number of rounds that count from best of 7 to best of 5. Similarly for Overall Champion, Novices, Edward Lewis, Ladies and Veterans the best 4 rounds should count. The decision on this will wait until we know how many rounds are taking place.

I am sure you are all looking forward to getting back on track, more news soon I hope.


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Interested to see people's thoughts on this. My 0.02p is I'm hoping the Loton and Gurston events run, and happy to enter, applying the sensible changes proposed by MSUK. But I appreciate others may have major health/financial issues and concerns, and think otherwise. 

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Well my thoughts are that I cant wait for the season to get the green light to restart. It's been too long in the waiting.

Loton, Curborough x2 and Anglesey x2 already booked.

Gurston Down is too much of a trek for me so soon but am now very likely to book Blyton Park to make it up to six events, in lieu of the Goodwood, Aintree and Barbon meetings I have been robbed of.

I appreciate however that I am basing this on assumptions of things happening pretty quickly.

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I have entries in for both Loton and Gurston, and am ready to compete.

However, I was scheduled to share Toms car on Midland hillclimb rounds, where the only clashes were to be Goodwood and Epynt. The Midland rounds have all been postponed rather than canceled, and they are looking to reschedule to later in the season.....

That said, ensuring social distancing of 50 cars in the paddock at Curborough would be a lot easier than 150 cars at Shelsley.......

I suspect many events will really struggle to run at all unless there is a much greater relaxation of restrictions than currently suggested. And those that do run may need to run with significantly fewer entries, and may no longer be financially viable for organising clubs to run.


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I also have entries in for all currently available rounds and will also look at other championships as available,also looking for Track-day some where at end of June/ early July so if any one knows of one please let me know. Hopefully the clubs will be able to sort through the restrictions required and if we can then follow the rules it should be possible to run a meeting safely at our level . Many thanks to the Competition team who will hopefully be able to sort through what is required for the Curborough meetings. But as a pessimistic thought ,with all this exceptional long period of sunny  weather we have had , i think we should all  be prepared for wet competitions. 






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I continue to sit on the fence. Yes it would be good to get out and play, however have we been overly successful in managing the virus? Is it logical to meet with people from across the uk,  most of us will have local exposure? 

I you enter, and the event happens but you are having to self isolate or have covid do you get a refund? 

on a positive side transmission is reported to be low when outside and i do not have any known health issues. 

I am sure I am not alone with my thoughts.


oh one other thing, if events are going to have reduced numbers and they are charging £150 for an entry, I guess there still covering there costs? (why run at a loss).  Does this mean we have been over charge  over the years?

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david nelson "If you enter, and the event happens but you are having to self isolate or have covid do you get a refund?"

Personally if I were unfortunate enough to be in that position, I would just probably pick up the phone and talk to the organisers.

I would however, consider it very unreasonable to expect them have to write it into their contact with all entrants. After all, they are having as difficult a time as the rest of us and, more than ever need to be able to assess potential income ahead of scheduling their events to go ahead

I do hear where you are coming from as regards spreading the virus but IF events are able to be organised with the systems and procedures in place that we should already well versed in practising, I think it should be possible for future events to go ahead.

The other issue is our own individual risk-aversion, which, by definition is a very personal thing. Nobody is being forced to enter. 


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Still a lot of uncertainty.

As mentioned above Gurston has been cancelled and there is no word yet from Loton or Harewood. These organisers will be having discussions as to what to do.

So at this moment there are no sprints or hill climbs guaranteed to take place in July.

The other complication is that the Motorsport UK guidance talks about no national championship events in July, we may fall into that category.

But on the positive side The Curborough weekend is still planned to go ahead and there is a steady stream of entries coming in. 

It is possible that our events will be further reduced, we now have 9 remaining, and it would interesting to hear people's thoughts on how we should run the rest of the championship if more rounds are lost.....

  • Score based on a reduced number of rounds, could be 3 or 4 out of 6 or 7 events.
  • Not have a championship, just have individual events for the fun of it.
  • Any other suggestions.




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In my opinion we are not a National or British Championship, the title National or British are reserved for those championships promoted by or for MotorSport UK. have a read at W1.1.6.1 in the Blue Book which sets out the definition.

as far as i'm aware the "National" term is used for Karting, and "British" used for motorsport

So no British Hillclimb Championship, or British Speed Championship events.


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@Chris, that was my initial thought on "National", and I hope you are right.

But then why exclude those championships?
Is the point to limit people traveling so far around the country (risking spreading virus further), and just have regional events with local competitors.

Not sure  *coffee*  and I guess we can ask, or will find out soon!
Still keeping fingers crossed for Loton, and I think Shelsley are running a July event which is a more positive sign.



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