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Parking lights


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I am a little confused over the difference between side lights and parking lights side lights I always thought "side lights" was just a name for the small auxiliary lights on a car? 

A quick Google search i found this for the UK

"According to the Highway Code (section 249) all vehicles are required to display parking lights when parked on a road or a lay-by with a speed limit greater than 30mph"

In the US

"Neither state law nor federal law requires vehicles to have parking lights"

I was surprised that the front indicator pods did not second as parking/side lights I do have a live feed so I could add a duel filament bulb and rewire.  

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I think, although haven't checked, its probably something to do with the lighting up laws in UK, whereby headlights only need to be used between 30mins after sunset - 30mins before sunrise - hence side lights being kept.

Re parking lights, main side and headlights need to have the number plate light lit as well, but parking lights don't and also parking lights need only to be on on the O/S of the car, saving battery power.

Mind you with a Caterham, I should imagine given the capacity of the battery, leaving parking or side lights on overnight, you'll probably find the battery as flat as a witches tit come morning

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