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New owner - a few issues - help!


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When I built my 420 last year I had to install an earth from the side of the bell housing onto the chassis just under the coolant pipes near the airbox.  Do you have that fitted?  Just a thought. 

if you do is it worth checking the paint isn't prevent a good connection .

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So being a September 2019 build your 420 will be using the latest earth lead configuration, as far as I can tell its been a know problem since 2016.  

I still suspect the earth connection behind knee panel on the LHS, where the wiper motor is located.   The immobiliser box is located there as well so I assume it uses the same earth connection.  

I am at a loss to explain why its only a problem when hot, unless the connection poor but not non existent and is getting hot and increasing resistance when an increased current is flowing.   

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Thanks all - had a poke around but think I will give Oakmere a call and figure out a slot.  The only real issue is taking a full day out for the round trip ... never enough hours in the day!

Thanks a million for all the responses - will help me ensure they get the fix done right!

Ps I tried the wipers this morning (cold) and still dead as a door nail ... but that's better than an intermittent issue in my book!  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to conclude - round trip to Oakmere yesterday - thankfully weather was okay and the RainX worked for the light drizzle in the morning.  They replaced the wiper motor unit and it now works as it should and is much more 'positive' in the wiping action so assume the unit was just slowly failing before and then finally died.  Speedo also fixed as this (plus odometer) had stopped completely too.  

Again very happy with my Oakmere experience and I'm getting used to my Northwich jaunts but still the least pleasurable part of 7 ownership for me ... earplugs make it bearable and I'm not uncomfortable but 2+ hours on roads like M1, M62 etc isn't massive fun.  Clearly I'm moaning as Mrs M is trying to persuade me to buy a trailer - not entirely sure where I'd put it yet though!  Those covered mini-sprinter ones look quite nice - are they recommended?


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They replaced the transducer for the speedo and the motor unit for the wipers - took them 3 hours.  Both rock solid now.  

Probably my main motorway anxiety has been caused by the failed wipers - being blinded by muddy spray from a lorry in the rain on the M62 isn't much fun and I couldn't do much about it once I was committed to the journey.  Hopefully I've seen the end of my wiper issues now.  I think the 7 is just so obviously the wrong vehicle for motorway cruising it just doesn't work for me.

By way of contrast, nice little blat up to South Cave and back in the sunny and not very cold weather today - awesome fun and a reminder of how blindingly fast the 420 is at the top end after a day of mid-rev pootling.  A quick drive on the right roads quickly makes me a happy 7'er again.

Going back to Oakmere again soon though to replace my immobiliser and fit the sequential lights - rev counter is basically useless when you're piling on revs in the first three gears - I also find it quite damped and doesn't quite keep up in first/second so you have to predict the limiter in 2nd anyway.  Unless the rev limit is different in 2nd vs 3rd which I'm sure is not the case.  But I'm spoiled by the HUD in my M4 - best option ever! 



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Good to hear that Richard. If you completed that in one go, it must have been a long day!

  I have modified a pair of Peltor heavy duty earphones and fitted bluetooth intercom units to them. Works very well and enables me to listen to radio/and/or satnav instructions. Doesn't make the Motorway to Northwhich fun but at least bearable.

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