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Heated windscreen - worth cost to retrofit?

MN Munky

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Other than an occasion place to warm your hands on a cold morning, what is the general opinion of the Caterham heated windscreen?

Worth it’s weight in gold? Always use it? Got one but not sure even where to switch it on? What’s a windscreen? 

Is it worth the extra sheckles if you don’t need to replace the existing windscreen?

I had a quick look in search but couldn’t find any opinions after hunting through the first 8 pages... 

Thanks :)


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I had one that needed replacing, replaced with plain, I think on balance I prefer clear, the greenish tint on heated got to me, and of course cost. Perhaps if I used full hood and misting was an issue I'd prefer heated. With a half hood misting has been minor.

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I replaced mine with a sheet of laminated glass a few years ago on a Blatchat group buy.  My heated screen was heavily sandblasted and the laminated non-heated glass was significantly lower cost.  Personally, as I don't tend to use my car much later than October and it gets SORN'ed, it not been an issue. However, in an ideal world I'd like it to keep the car as original possible, but for me its not worth retro-fitting at the moment.  

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Even with a half hood fitted, a biblical summer rainstorm can necessitate use of the heated screen. Been there many times. Also driving on a cold dry winter day, with no HH fitted, descending into a frost hollow, the screen has misted over completely. Heated screen sorts it quickly.
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I believe a heated screen is required under Construction & Use regulations as a "means of demisting the windscreen" is needed, and no air vents are present as in a tintop.
Doubt that it's checked (or maybe not required) at MOT, but if stopped by VOSA it could be an issue (although very unlikely unless you've upset them!).

I find it very useful for early morning autumn/winter blats when the screen initially mists up, even without a roof, and also when in heavy rain. 

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Funny you should ask this as my heated screen has acquired a small U-shaped crack at the top, so it will need replacing at least before it's first MoT in about 18 x months.  I looked on Caterham parts website and could not find a replacement heated glass, just the whole assembly with frame - a few bob short of £500!  *eek* 

I don't need the frame, there's nothing wrong with it, so does anyone know if the heated glass on it's own is available elsewhere?  I doubt it, but I'll ask anyway and maybe it might influence the OP's decision in going down that route...? 

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Second the S&C route for sensible prices. If you have glass cover, you'll only have the excess to pay. With my splendid broker, the excess is waived if I fit it myself .... I wouldnt let a windscreen company near it, so everyone is happy.
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Annoyingly my replacement screen has quite a lot of elements that don't do much - I didn't notice for several months and the weather turned.   The original, that worked all the way across, was rather good.

So deliberately mist it and test it!

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17 years and I've only ever used my heated screen with the full hood on and in the cold rain. On the other hand I've not used the full hood for 15 years! Even with the half hood  misting up is only an issue in torrential weather but using the heater only makes it worse- answer is - take the heater out as well.

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Thanks for all of the insight everyone. It might just be one of those creature comforts that makes life in the humid Midwest of the US worthwhile. 

I was thinking of asking Sevens and Classic to put one in my car while they had it. 

They have them for £468 fitted. 


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"Also driving on a cold dry winter day, with no HH fitted, descending into a frost hollow, the screen has misted over completely. Heated screen sorts it quickly."

This happened to me last year (my first as an owner) driving without a hood. I'd not experienced anything like it before so it took me completely by surprise. The road was entirely clear with excellent visibility but the fields either side were misty. My wing mirrors very suddenly went white, then the whole front screen in what seemed like a second. I don't know if it was a frost hollow as such (just looked it up) but it was an interesting experience.



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Its not in the MOT manual, but it is in the IVA manual and I had it checked during my IVA.   Obviously IVA doesn't matter on a retrofit discussion.    I have only used mine for late evening drives home from club nights, early morning drives to track days and one "summer" day in the black forest where the mist and clouds was hanging in the trees. 

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