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ECU Diagnostics - CAN Bus, hunt for answers


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  • Area Representative

CharlesElliott, what are you using to do the analysis? What CANbus analyser have you got and what software are you using? I think you mentioned Excel before, but is that what you're using to do the analysis?

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It's a Race Technology DL1 data logger which is what I use to log data in my race car. Software is Race Technology Analysis. The most recent screen shot is it just logging raw CANbus. The screenshots above that configure how to translate the raw into displayed. I used Excel to work out the right encoding (byte order, bit order, scaling) to translate to the display.

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So it seems from info in the EC2 config files, there are up to 8 data logging channels per CANbus message:


[English|Data Logging|CAN]
Information = This section is used to set up parameters for the data logging link over Can.
1DCANLOGGINGIDENTIFIERTYPE, Identifier Type, Identifier Type, Configure the CAN Data Logging Interface, DISABLED
1DCANLOGGING29BITID, Message Identifier, Message Identifier, Select a Message identifier, DISABLED
1DCANLOGGING11BITID, 11 Bit Identifier, 11 Bit Identifier, Select a 11 Bit identifier, DISABLED
1DCANLOGGINGNUMCHANNELS, Can Number of Channels, Can Number of Channels, Set the number of logging channels (up to 8), DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE0DATA1, Mess 0 Data 1, Mess 0 Data 1, Mess 0 Data 1, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE0DATA2, Mess 0 Data 2, Mess 0 Data 2, Mess 0 Data 2, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE0DATA3, Mess 0 Data 3, Mess 0 Data 3, Mess 0 Data 3, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE0DATA4, Mess 0 Data 4, Mess 0 Data 4, Mess 0 Data 4, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE0DATA5, Mess 0 Data 5, Mess 0 Data 5, Mess 0 Data 5, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE0DATA6, Mess 0 Data 6, Mess 0 Data 6, Mess 0 Data 6, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE0DATA7, Mess 0 Data 7, Mess 0 Data 7, Mess 0 Data 7, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE0DATA8, Mess 0 Data 8, Mess 0 Data 8, Mess 0 Data 8, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE1DATA1, Mess 1 Data 1, Mess 1 Data 1, Mess 1 Data 1, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE1DATA2, Mess 1 Data 2, Mess 1 Data 2, Mess 1 Data 2, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE1DATA3, Mess 1 Data 3, Mess 1 Data 3, Mess 1 Data 3, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE1DATA4, Mess 1 Data 4, Mess 1 Data 4, Mess 1 Data 4, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE1DATA5, Mess 1 Data 5, Mess 1 Data 5, Mess 1 Data 5, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE1DATA6, Mess 1 Data 6, Mess 1 Data 6, Mess 1 Data 6, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE1DATA7, Mess 1 Data 7, Mess 1 Data 7, Mess 1 Data 7, DISABLED
1DCANMESSAGE1DATA8, Mess 1 Data 8, Mess 1 Data 8, Mess 1 Data 8, DISABLED


The problem now is to determine the bit offsets and bit widths for each channel, there are "SCALING" and "STRING" parameters in the config files that seem to relate to the bit configuration for the parameters, I will have a look at these after work, later today.

The message frequency is likely 12.8Hz / 78ms interval, as found by Charles and from Mark's initial dump.

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I've been spending a lot of time looking how to make the development practical, mostly to avoid being in the garage hooked up to the car!  I've got a useful solution with respect to socketCan which both John and I are using.  

socketCan supports a virtual canbus interface, vcan, and of course it doesn't need to be connected.  You can replay traffic at vcan and into any tools, which Wireshark will also see.

To replay use canplayer, you need to tell canplayer to fake the original source interface with the vcan instance.

canplayer -I candump-2019-08-08_140704.log vcan0=can0

In the above example candump-2019-08...  is a standard non human readable log file from candump.

In theory you can record a lengthy candump with the engine running and keep replaying it while working to decode the data or write a new tool/dash.

Setting up the vcan is as follows;

sudo modprobe vcan
sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan
sudo ip link set up vcan0


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So, a bit more digging in Easimap. In 'System' 'Can Datastream' 'Setup' on my unlocked 9A4 ECU, all the CAN mappings are configurable with this screen (can someone look at their locked ECU to see if this is configurable? I suspect not, as it should require an ECC write to save):


There are two possible 29-bit CANbus IDs that can be set (CBB0001 & CBF1234) and up to 8 data stream messages, of which I have 3 configured at the moment, but these are not necessarily what the MBE985 adapter is using, as my CANbus config doesn't include many of the data channels I currently receive using this config via Easimap. The menu dropdown on the right is the list of selectable values that can occupy each of the seven configurable data blocks in the message (the first of the eight data blocks being reserved for the MBE message identifier).

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A bit more info, it looks like all 8 potential messages are used cyclically. If we break them down into the 8x8 matrix (8 messages with 8 data cells) and reverse the order in part of your dump, this is what we see:

01 4F 00 00 3D 00 9C 46
02 00 00 00 AF D5 00 00
03 27 00 1E 00 00 00 00
04 9C FF 28 00 00 00 00
FF 9C 00 00 00 00 00 00
FF 46 00 00 00 00 00 00
FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

You seem to have messages 1-4 in use (01, 02, 03, 04 in the first byte of the message) and messages 5-8 are not used, as they have an undefined value of 255 set. In this case 12 of the data bytes / cells seem to contain data, each cell capable of 256 different values. I think things like engine RPM where it can be configured with a 'high' and 'low' value would be capable of 65536 values when spread over two data bytes / cells.

Looking at the 184 useful messages in your 3.5 second dump, there are some static values (likely temperature readings and other slow changing values) and a number of dynamic fields (perhaps throttle, engine RPM if running and voltages). Addressing as a matrix (Message number 1-8, data field 0-7 where 0 is the message number) and expressing the value as an integer from 0 to 255:

(1,1) constant at 79

(1,6) constant at 156

(1,7) constant at 70

(2,5) constant at 213

(3,1) constant at 39

(4,1) constant at 156

(4,2) constant at 255

(4,3) constant at 40

(1,4) variable from 65 to 211

(1,5) variable from 0 to 231

(2,4) variable with discrete values of 7F, 8F, 9F, AF, BF, CF, DF & EF in roughly equal occurrences, seems like a status change set in the first octet.

(3,3) variable from 0 to 95.

This is what the variable values look like plotted, almost like half a dozen rapid throttle blips:


I think the next step would be to correlate a CANbus dump with an Easimap logging session, it should then be possible to align data elements and their scaling and determine what values are included in the four CANbus messages the ECU publishes.

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Time for one of these I think, Mark: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kingzer-Splitter-Extension-Cable-Female/dp/B000TMCX72

i don’t think implying my config of my non-Caterham supplied 9A4 will help in decoding your locked config, but 10 mins of data collection from a cold start with varied driving, into Excel spreadsheets of both the CAN data and the Easimap dump (at 20ms dump resolution for the Excel export) and I think it would be easy to correlate each data cell.

I also expect that the CAN config that Caterham uses may not include all the possible elements, but having a dozen or so is still worthwhile.

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I am finding this post interesting, but it is way above my understanding on the IT side. I can see how it would be really useful to see what data the ECU is transmitting. I wonder how much it costs to get password access via CC. I believe one of the posts mentioned this was an option. Just wondering if anyone knew, as using and configuring all the kit Mark has mentioned sounds like it’s starting to get quite expensive. 

Good luck with your continuing quest. I will read with interest but unfortunately I can’t add any advice/expertise.

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  • Area Representative

Ok, so hopefully I can move this on a small amount...

I've now got both Easimap running and a CANBus sniffer. The setup is:

  • MacBookPro running Easimap through Parallels,Windows 10 VM 
  • SBD USB to CANBus interface connected to Mac and the USB routed through to the Windows VM
  • Raspberry Pi 4 with a PiCAN2 HAT
  • OBD-II Y-cable plugged into Caterham, MacBookPro (Easimap) and Pi (PiCAN2 running tshark)
  • Ignition set to postion 2 but engine not running (I'll try some running tests when I've (we've) firgured out some more of what's going on

Here's a picture of the setup:


I've tried a few captures of what's going on when Easimap is running with the following findings:

  • Until easimap is running the car outputs CAN packets as per Marks output on page 3 of this thread (all the packets are coming from a device with an ID of 0x0cbb001)
  • Once Easimap is started there are two new devices that start talking on the bus
    • 0xcbe1101 - seems to be the SBD USB to CANBus interface
    • 0xcbe0111 - seems to be another device in the car, probably where Easimap is getting its data from

It seems that Easimap is sending a packet with 0x(03,04,00,0d,ef,fb,ff,f7) which starts the 0xcbe0111 device sending.

I also tried turning the car off to see what Easimap would do then. It then starts sending packets out at about 1s intervals with the values 0x(03,04,00,0d,cf,00,00,e2). That's what makes me think that 0xcbe1101 is the SBD interface and that it sends a 03,04... packet to get the car to output more info.

My suspicion is that the 03,04 packet is opening a CAN gateway in the car. 

I now have a lot more data, but still no idea what it means.

Here's a chunk of data from Wireshark at around the time that Easimap starts to talk to the car, the initial Easimap packet seems to be at packet 528 (left column):

No.    Time                 Protocol    Length    Info
522    5.217999920    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   04 95 ff 28 00 00 00 00
523    5.227903970    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   03 27 00 1d 00 1d 00 00
524    5.237803910    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   02 aa aa 00 cf d6 00 00
525    5.248304747    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   01 52 00 00 39 00 95 49
526    5.257841952    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
527    5.267871945    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
528    5.269606548    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe1101   03 04 00 0d ef fb ff f7
529    5.270596810    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe0111   10 0d e4 00 0d 23 39 41
530    5.270927046    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe0111   21 34 62 65 35 33 30 00
531    5.277878771    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 49 00 00 00 00 00 00
532    5.288061077    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 95 00 00 00 00 00 00
533    5.297965424    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   04 95 ff 28 00 00 00 00
534    5.308121693    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   03 27 00 1d 00 1d 00 00
535    5.318314165    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   02 aa aa 00 cf d6 00 00
536    5.328443119    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe1101   03 04 00 5e ef fb ff f7
537    5.328729670    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   01 52 00 00 39 00 95 49
538    5.329432159    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe0111   07 e4 00 5e 2b 07 01 00
539    5.337934713    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
540    5.347971169    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
541    5.357984570    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 49 00 00 00 00 00 00
542    5.368106561    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 95 00 00 00 00 00 00
543    5.378248386    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   04 95 ff 28 00 00 00 00
544    5.388638336    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   03 27 00 1d 00 1d 00 00
545    5.398827049    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   02 aa aa 00 9f d6 00 00
546    5.408066758    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   01 52 00 00 39 00 95 49
547    5.418108103    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
548    5.428370518    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
549    5.438262384    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 49 00 00 00 00 00 00
550    5.448232693    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 95 00 00 00 00 00 00
551    5.459009322    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   04 95 ff 28 00 00 00 00
552    5.468146959    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   03 27 00 1d 00 1d 00 00
553    5.478194340    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   02 aa aa 00 ef d6 00 00
554    5.488435460    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   01 52 00 00 39 00 95 49
555    5.498216679    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
556    5.508246450    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
557    5.518649382    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 49 00 00 00 00 00 00
558    5.528866409    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 95 00 00 00 00 00 00
559    5.538409909    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   04 95 ff 28 00 00 00 00
560    5.548303645    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   03 27 00 1d 00 1d 00 00
561    5.558352749    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   02 aa aa 00 bf d6 00 00
562    5.568327299    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   01 52 00 00 39 00 95 49
563    5.578379125    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
564    5.588759816    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
565    5.599091804    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 49 00 00 00 00 00 00
566    5.608444419    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 95 00 00 00 00 00 00
567    5.618418746    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   04 95 ff 28 00 00 00 00
568    5.628551367    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   03 27 00 1d 00 1d 00 00
569    5.638437603    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   02 aa aa 00 8f d6 00 00
570    5.648491596    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   01 52 00 00 39 00 95 49
571    5.658657346    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
572    5.669189776    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
573    5.678610186    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 49 00 00 00 00 00 00
574    5.688548625    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 95 00 00 00 00 00 00
575    5.698673153    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   04 95 ff 28 00 00 00 00
576    5.708593426    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   03 27 00 1d 00 1d 00 00
577    5.718837841    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   02 aa aa 00 ef d6 00 00
578    5.729158163    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   01 52 00 00 39 00 95 49
579    5.738714219    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
580    5.748656584    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
581    5.758626393    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 49 00 00 00 00 00 00
582    5.768961752    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   ff 95 00 00 00 00 00 00
583    5.776471191    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe1101   10 0a 01 00 00 00 00 12
584    5.777320493    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe1101   21 66 67 a8 a9 00 00 12
585    5.778524474    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe0111   05 81 aa aa 16 00 12 66
586    5.778809858    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   04 95 ff 28 00 00 00 00
587    5.787125934    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe1101   10 09 01 00 00 00 00 1a
588    5.787834886    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe1101   21 52 5c 5d 00 00 00 1a
589    5.788834463    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe0111   04 81 84 00 00 00 1a 52
590    5.789118458    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   03 27 00 1d 00 1d 00 00
591    5.799340004    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   02 aa aa 00 bf d6 00 00
592    5.800358840    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe1101   10 0a 01 00 00 00 00 e2
593    5.801094588    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe1101   21 cc cd ce cf 00 00 e2
594    5.802136776    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe0111   05 81 ff ff ff 07 e2 cc
595    5.808806413    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbb0001   01 52 00 00 39 00 95 49
596    5.814872560    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe1101   10 23 01 00 00 00 00 f8
597    5.815639382    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe1101   21 30 31 36 37 44 45 4c
598    5.816393407    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe1101   22 4d 4e 4f 50 51 5a 5b
599    5.817143414    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe1101   23 5c 5d 64 6a 6b 7c 7d
600    5.817903458    CAN    32    XTD: 0x0cbe1101   24 9e 9f a0 a1 d8 d9 da


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Is it possible to collect about 10 mins of CAN data with some rev variation in there as the engine warms up (or at least sees some variation in the logged temperatures), along with the corresponding Easimap log file via the 'logging' 'export to spreadsheet' with at 20ms 'fixed time axis interval'? Probably will create about 5MB of Easimap CSV and 10MB of CAN logging data.

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  • Area Representative

Hi James, that should be possible. I may need to wait for the weather to clear and be able to get the car out of the garage :-)

Do you want the CAN data in any particular format? I've only used tshark (Wireshark) to capture packets so far, and the associated .pcap can be a little difficult to work with - though libpcap programming isn't too bad its not easy to dump pcap's into something like Excel.

Can you tell me what you're going to do with the data and then hopefully I can make sure it works as best as I can make it for you.

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If you can output (or pipe STDOUT from Wireshark) in to a txt file the same format as you have used here for the CAN data, that would be good and save me having to parse the .pcap file. The Easimap 'export to spreadsheet' function will create a CSV file with a header and each row containing all logged parameters. If you could add all relevant panels with the associated realtime channel to the Easimap display page, then after saving the logging session file .LSN, export that with 20ms interval, that would be good.

What I will do with the data is crunch each line in each of the CAN .TXT and Easimap .CSV files, sort to extract the up to 28 data field in the CAN messages (there seem to be 4 active messages each capable of holding 7 data fields), convert from hex to dec and graph patterns that will then be matched with the pattern for each channel in the .CSV file. When a pattern is found, the values from the CSV file can then be matched with the bit pattern in the .TXT file to evaluate range and scaling.

When logging it would be good to have several intervals of about 30 seconds in the 10 min or so capture that have the car idling, so I can use these as reference alignment points to synchronise the timestamps in the two files.

I'm able to do some crunching until later tomorrow, then travelling to Montreal for work until late Thurs, so won't have access to all my tools for data manipulation at the bit-level while away, but hopefully the files are small enough for emailing so I might be able to get started while away, I will PM you my email address. I do have the ability to access files on Google Drive and Box, as well.

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Brilliant work John! You beat me to it sourcing a Y cable, I've got mine on order, so hopefully it will arrive next week, but its good to know it works as expected!

I'm wondering if the packet  0x(03,04,00,0d,ef,fb,ff,f7)  is essentially the following from the EC2 file.

"1D_DATALOGGERLINK, Data Logger Link, Data Logger Link, Enables and disables serial datastreaming from the ECU."

It would be interesting to see if simply replicating the packet with cansend will trick the ECU into transmitting.

Any you could send me the pcap.

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  • Area Representative

For anyone interested, here are two .pcap files...

The first is the pcap that generated the packet listing in post #64 above:


The second pcap is a simple capture of what was on the CAN bus with just Easimap looking for an ECU to monitor:


Knock yourself out! :-)

(I'm currently trying to figure out if there's a mapping between what's in the can bus data and what's in the Easimap EC2 file. I'm sure there must be a correlation between the can bus data and the page/address config from the EC2. There are some correlations but I haven't got the confidence yet that I've figured it out.)

And Mark, I also think there's a good chance that replaying the 0x(03,04...) packet into the canbus may just wake up the gateway that's hiding the second CAN ID. But Easimap is a little chatty around that time so it might take a few of those codes around pkt 528 in that pcap. 

One of my next experiments is to see what Easimap does if it's running but the car is off, then I turn the car on. I'm wondering if Easimap turns the 0x(03,04,00,0d,cf,00,00,e2) into  0x(03,04,00,0d,ef,fb,ff,f7) or is the first data set enough to wake things up.

I'm definitely still poking around in the dark, but at least we now have a torch!


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In terms of what is in the CANbus data and mapping in the .EC2 file, the datafields in the message are defined, but it seems that the .ECC file contains the configured mappings from the specific sensor data element to the message datafield, which you can't determine in the locked ECU. This is where I believe that I can reverse engineer that mapping from comparing the Easimap data elements to the CANbus message datafields. There may be other ways, but scanning through the Easimap binaries and config files hasn't given me any other clues yet.

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I'm just looking through John's data, I've converted the pcap to candump format if anyone wants a copy.

It occurs to me rather than try and decode blind etc, wouldn't it be easier to replay each single message on the bus with the ignition off, but with Easymap connected.   Then watch the reaction in Easymap.  If a byte in a given message generates a change in an Easymap value then we've found the source byte.  It's then a case of stepping through increments to try and work out the scale etc.  This could be done by programmatically stepping through increments and comparing against the Easymap log file.





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I notice the Pican2Hat is socketCan compatible, it should be trivial to replay messages at your Easymap software if you wire your CANH and CANL hat pins to the respective pins on the cable, suspect you'll need the 120ohm resistor in place.  In theory, you can avoid the car and control Easymap.

Nice on the Pi4... still need to sort mine.

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  • Area Representative

That would certainly be worth a try Mark.

Can you put up the converted candump formatted file somewhere?

How did you convert it? Have you got some custom code in Wireshark or have you written a libpcap based converter? I was thinking of just parsing an exported CSV file from Wireshark, but that's not very elegant :-)


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Sure I'll put in on dropbox.  Although my conversion wasn't that fancy.

I exported the pcap from Wireshark to file,  you get something like the following for each packet, so the file looks pretty unusable.


However I simply grepped the file for each line with 'CAN' and then used awk to recreate each line in the candump format.

grep CAN export1.txt | awk '{print "("$2")" " can0 " $6"#"$7$8$9$10$11$12$13$14 }' > pcap_as_candump.txt


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