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Assembly Guide

David White

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I have just completed by build (310S) and on Monday the car was picked up by CC for the post build check.  Today (Tuesday) I finally received a hard copy of the Assembly Guide Edition 1.2.  Throughout the build, I have had to rely on Edition 1.1 as downloaded from the CC website, advice from Derek, the old (pre-Ikea) guide, Techtalk and various blogs.

Today I also received feedback on the PBC, which was favourable and quite complementary of my efforts.

So, why the post? Of the 5 items picked up in the PBC that require 3.25 hrs labour to correct, over half the time is related to items that have changed between 1.1 and 1.2. Fortunately I have photos of what I had done and have managed to demonstrate that  I built it correctly (to the older edition). Nevertheless, very frustrating!

A couple of other gripes - 1. the CC website still only has 1.1 available to download and 2. the hard copy received is incorrectly paginated such that the diagram is on the back of the associated directions; diagrams should be on odd page numbers (right hand leaf).

Having been through the build process I guess I shouldn’t be surprised!





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Have you argued your case with them? 

I had an issue with the doors on my build in 2015. The first two were different dimensionally and I couldn’t get a good fit on both as fitted according to the manual. A replacement for one side still didn’t match the other. 

I left them and matching doors were fitted at my PBC which was initially charged for but waived on discussion. 


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That’s interesting and I imagine pretty damn frustrating.

I’m just coming to end of my 420R build, hopefully. I still have a few bits to complete which are taking me longer than expected (spent all day fitting rear wings and day before doing front wings, all quite fiddly and time consuming).

As per your comments, I have relied on downloaded manuals, (‘Old’ 2015 guide and IKEA version from website), plus Derek who has been good, and the many blogs that various people have kindly produced and existing BC forum posts. Currently I have arranged for Caterham to pick up my car on 8th July for PBC, although I am getting a bit nervous about completing everything for this date.

If you have any other items that relate to incorrect instructions in manual I would be keen to know what they are.

Good luck with arguing your case, it seems pretty strong to me.


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Thanks Tony,

Another item was the handbrake switch.  The 1.1 guide indicates the wire connecting to the lower pin (pp91) whereas the new guide shows the connection to the upper pin and also includes a new "Tip" which explicitly states connection to the top terminal.  As the tunnel cover has to come off, that's another 0.75hr labour.

Mirrors to windscreen to have loctite applied and must be tight for the IVA.

Handbrake cable on RHS should route in front of the brake hose (I had mine behind ) and should be cable tied to the A-frame (mine was to the chassis).

Bracket trim and CAT heatshield trim missing - an IVA requirement.  This is a bit galling as the trim wasn't included with the kit and Derek advised that they no longer fit it.

Finally, the upper spring perch on the front dampers should be rotated to face inwards and be hidden from view - not a cost item.

Good luck with completing your build.



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Hi Tony,

If you don't already have a copy, it would be worth requesting the PBC checklist from CC (Michaela provided me with a copy), which is the list the technician uses to go over the car, so you can carry out your own "dummy" PBC in advance.



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Just had a look at how I fitted rear brake hose and I have added a washer as well as half nut. Does the revised new guide just have a half nut? I think this is what the section you have added shows (resolution is a little bit ‘grainy’) but just want to make sure before I alter mine.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a lot of issues with CC at the PBC & they seemed to think it was open cheque book time... Fortunately I had a lot of correspondence with Derek during the build & whose help was invaluable & also took lots of photo's. I had the first section of the pictorial guide which had a lot of mistakes within it (but gave you a false sense of security). Main issues I had were with wiring & cooling pipe distribution which the 'manual' contained wafer thin guidance... I made a fuss & they reduced my bill by 50% (but that was still a significant sum) spoilt the CC experience for me a bit as I went from super helpful Derek to what appeared to be the CC 'final hurdle' profit making department.... But loving my car & it has behaved impeccably, 2 years now!

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