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dash vibration


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Recently I was lent a car, I drove it to the first roundabout, then drove is back to the lender because there was something wrong with the steering.   The UJ clamp bolt was loose on the spline with the rack, and this permitted play, it felt exactly the same as top joint play your talking about.

My dash vibration wasn't because something was loose, it was because the lower column resonated with the engine.  Driving it was impossible to spot, but with the bonnet off and the revs raised to the resonate frequency the lower column was identified as the source.  

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I seem to have sorted this now, but you'll have to excuse the description as I'm not sure what the part is called.  Basically, I added a quarter turn to each caphead screw securing the steering guide plate thing which is pressed against the bulkhead, the bit where the steering column pokes through.  Sorry like I say not sure what it's called.

I'm still generally aware of the engine vibration from the cabin, but the buzzing for the indicator toggle is gone!  Sorted.

UJ is fine now, I just think I didn't quite get it to spec first time around.

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Following some advice from CC and having put quite a lot of miles on the car now I've had a play higher up in the rev range, and.... found a new set of buzzing.  Have to say I was loving every minute and something has definitely clicked in my head, I just ignored the buzzing etc, got on with having fun.  It's been a weird realignment of my expectations and understanding of the car.  I'm now constantly looking to get out in the car, and just needlessly drive around the island. Weirdly I love driving it in the dark.

In short,  I do finally get in, while they're all based on the same 7 build, they're all unique, but they're all immense fun.

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On my R400D I have the initial resonance at 2800RPM where buzzing components are most noticeable, the next at 5600RPM where buzzing isn't too noticeable due to the car getting quite loud, then just a pure wall of noise at 7800RPM when I hit the rev limiter. The car encourages testing the limiter just for the noise.

In my last job I had to pass through a taxiway tunnel at the Calgary airport on my way to the office, 2nd gear from 4000RPM at the beginning of the tunnel to redline at the end was just an incredible sound. My son has a friend who is an air traffic controller in the control tower some distance from the tunnel, who texted my son  "heard your dad coming to work again today".

Do wear good earplugs, though!

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I keep getting into trouble with the wife, I'm telling her I'm just popping out for 45 min drive or thereabouts,  but after 45 mins, I'm thinking, ah just another quick run here, an hour and half I'm heading back.  So the wife isn't happy as she keeps getting concerned.  I need to sort a better way of getting quick access to my phone.

I'm also using roads I'd never bothered driving for fun either, it really is ticking all the boxes.  Loving it!   Though the neighbours might be getting annoyed with me keep coming back at 9:30pm *byebye*

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