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Test prep and C02


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Take some tools, spare protectors, and cable ties just incase you are asked to fettle something minor to avoid a fail. Work the brakes as best you can on the way to the centre to bed them in, as they will be tested. No idea about the IoM test, but if you haven't already submitted the certificate of newness, build photos, copies of invoices etc. it may be sensible to take these along as well.

Best of luck on Friday.

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Thanks Jim,

There doesn't seem to be any form of 'I built this gov', not declaration form etc, however I have my blog so can demo that on my iPhone should it come up.  I've packed just about every tool I'm likely to need so that's covered.

I was aware of the brakes, it's one of the areas I'm most concerned with.   Unfortunately, the car is due at 9:00 am so it's rush hour traffic such that it is, for about 3 miles, I won't get a chance to work the brakes hard. 

I seem to remember reading somewhere to modify the tyre pressures to avoid rear lockups?  Or am I imagining that???

Also how on earth do those IVA covers work on the forward most spring bonnet catch??  It just seems to flop about?



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Good luck on friday mark.

As advised by Caterham, I printed off a load of photos that my other half took of me holding parts/spanners/engine hoist etc. 

The front bonnet catch IVA cover does just seem to hook on. Put it on when you arrive otherwise it may jump off on the way!

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She passed!!!

Couple of minor points but the bloke let me fix them whilst he was testing.

  • Headlight alignment.
  • Collars on front shocks not sufficiently tight, tester actually sorted that.

Other than that fine.  Tester even got me to do the brake tests on the rollers, he so cool with the test.  I'm going back up in an hour to pick up the tax disc, then reg plates are on this aft.

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again couldn’t have done it without you guys!  Both for technical support and morale support.  

Now it’s passed we are trying to sort logistics and life so that we can come to the mainland and take part in the Taffia run.  Need to sort a half hood and roll bar bag thingy first.  Possible high level brake light since most members seem to fit them I’m assuming it’s good practice.



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Thanks again.

Just been out to check the speedo with a satnav and iPhone speedometer app.  As I've got to the end of the weekend and the odometer is reading 123 miles.  What!  That can't be right.  Did a round trip of 8 miles, and the external measures confirmed speedo and trip bang on, all the way up 60mph.  I can't believe it, I've had a lot of fun and I've not even been around the course.

I had promised to keep the miles off of the car until I got it over for an official PBC.  Best get that booked.

She is driving sweet, although I do think the LSD is a little harsh for a road car.  Have done a nut and bolt check and everything seems fine.

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"So, was it worth all the angst .......?"

I can't deny I am enjoying it, as is the wife, she loves it.  I drove it Friday night in the dark, on country roads with a clear sky and it was amazing.  I actually found the standard lights fine.   The Isle of Man has some amazing dark skies, and it made for an amazing drive.  I didn't plan to drive it at night, but went to show it off to a mate and we got nattering on his driveway and before I knew it, it was dark, but I loved the drive home.  Weekend weather has been amazing.

It's going to take time to really understand and appreciate the car, it's so different and anything else including my Exige.  There are still things that irritate me, I think most can be put in the 420 design bracket mind.  I noticed today how much a PITA dipping the oil on a 420 is, you have to take the nose cone off.


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A little late catching up with this post. Well done Mark, congratulations on both the test pass and your will power to complete the build.

  As a suggestion, I have found the half hood with "easy in" from Softbits is great choice. So much easier to enter/exit. Adding the rear diffuser (goes behind the headrests) makes the ingress of rain mist minimal. 



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