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I'm trying to contact Chris Bramhall, the Comp Sec to understand when I will be able to enter the 20th April 2019 Goodwood Sprint but the site Search facility can't find his user name so that I can send him a message.

Can anybody help me with this please. Regards, Peter Seldon User name peter_s

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my contact details are all over the  competitors  area on the forum , and tge contacts page.

Its chris bramall

email compsec@lotus7.club

mob 07720 05931

You need to have entered the championship, and regs for each event will be emailed out to the mailing list once the organiser has issued them

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and the sad destruction of my earliest work:


and a vast number of blat routes have "disappeared"

I see I had a go at fixing this one, the corrected text is at the top and the shambles it was is shown beneath; it was rendered useless.

These routes were posted "live" on the fly from the road, with videos and pics, links all gone - i s t r we didn't have smart phones back then or even sat nav. 


and the mother (i.e. the index laboriously cross and back linked) of all those routes was this one, 


the original trip got slightly extended over the years and to the opposite end of Europe, some destinations suggested by Blatchaters.

However, all gone (try searching for blat routes) now and so with it my motivation to share since all that time and effort (while on tour) has been roundly destroyed after so many assurances it would not be.

The irony is that while now blatchat is seen as a core aspect of the club, back then it was seen as risk to be managed. Done that all right. 

Someone from above (i.e. trying to fix the system) suggested I re-edit them all.. 

better stop here... 


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  • 2 months later...

So whats improved??

Type in ‘Search Facility’ and this post doesnt appear in the first 10 pages of results.

I worked as an MI analyst for 10+ years and never had such poor search results on free text fields using various MI tools (Business Objects, SQL)

It does feel like when the membership go quiet about something it goes off the MT radar / action log.



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well a few weeks ago a new google based search , similar to mine i guess, was created , and we were supposed to test it, however as I said at the time, if it ain't put in the banner area no one will know it exists and no one will use it, as you say Ian it is incredibly frustrating , especially as the old answer will come back, it works for me as long as you put the right bits in capitals or inside quotes etc etc . the members are not thick, the existing search obviously lacks clarity and efficaciousness (I'm amased that's even a word :-) ) 


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  • 3 months later...
  • Leadership Team

Ian, I remember responding to your thread so I've just searched "Low AND Flying AND Stu" then selected yourself as the author and it appeared at the top. I've just posted on it so it's current again.


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I searched for "Low Flying Spring" and it was the second of two posts returned, the first being this thread.

The terms you used in your search are fairly common hence the huge list of returned posts. I used google to do the same search and it returned over 100 threads so you can't just blame the site search for this one *smile*

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did you use quotes “” in the actual search or were they for emphasis in the above post? I didnt use quotes in my search.

I used to do a bit of SQL coding and building whizzy excel stuff so understand in intricacies of search criteria!!


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Hi Ian - yes the quotes are important. They make the search look for the exact phrase inside the quotes. This does of course mean you have to remember the exact phrase which is usually my problem *biggrin* 

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only one result for me as well, the search at top of page doesn't work well for my name, no results, my search in my signature line  on,    Low  Flying Spring 1998 to 2017, no speach marks or qualifiers returns correct page of market place as top find and WP entry is 6 post down 


edited, hmm second and subsequent times i use one at top of page searching for VVC 160, it worked fine , odd 

and also working on my name now 





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