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Oil Level


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Hi I have a Duratec 360 R wet sump and am having problems being satisfied with the oil level and it would be great to get some views from others. 

I finished the build in June and its been on the road since September   I’ve done about 2600 miles in that time  and the oil originally was filled to the build manual amount  

Basically following the owners manual my level is just over the minimum mark as far as I can tell ( eg there is a clear dark oil level mark on the “indicator “ side to that level )  however on the other round side there is a very light covering of oil just above the max mark. 

I’ve put about a litre in since September ( as you know the manual suggests filling up to the full mark, measuring whilst how and waiting 30 seconds ) 

Id be v grateful for any views from others if there is anything else I should do re this ?

Unlike the other cars that I have checked in the past I’ve been thrown by the fact that the level seems to be consistent at just above the minimum level !

thanks in advance 



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Cheers mossy for responding so quickly 

I did look at the previous posts but could not really get an answer in the sense that my readings are consistent just not clear to me !

I suspect the dark mark is the correct one with the lighter mark in the reverse side just residue

Keen to double check though 

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On my Sigma the dipstick is a flat strip of steel and it rests diagonally into the sump oil. All of these dipsticks are intended to drop vertically into a standard Ford sump. When I take a reading the oil leaves a diagonal trace on the flat face of the dipstick along a 45 degree angle. This may explain why your Duratec is showing max on the curved face. 

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My 360 has a flexible cable dipstick with an alloy shaped end with a flat crosshatched marker area on one side, very difficult to read when oil is clean and difficult to judge if over filled (which is easily done)

hadnt realised that the dipstick enters sump at an angle which makes its orientation all the more important.

Earlier this year at brands i overfilled oil by a litre and got black flagged for smoke, had to drain some oil with the help of Burton mechanics (thank you) and all was well. Interestingly nothing went in the catch tank? Odd

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The dipstick does indeed enter the sump at an angle of about 45 deg:


I've found that this dipping method works well:  withdraw dipstick, wipe, re-insert, rotate gently a couple of times, withdraw and read.  This helps spread the oil-level mark more evenly and makes it more visible.


...and got black flagged for smoke

Do you have the standard plenum?  I ask as the same thing happened to me at both Brands and Donington.  Turned out to be oil surge on fast right-handers, causing oil to be ingested via the plenum.


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Thanks John, link to previous thread very helpful. Think my 360 only has one breather to catch tank from head which supports your experience that block breather goes to plenum. Will check on car tomorrow and if this is so will definitely reroute to catch tank.

would prefer any over filling to go into catch rather than laying more smoke screens :-)

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