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Pics PLEASE allow zoom, expand etc


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I can zoom with ease on my low cost PC, either with fingers (touch screen) or CTL and +. This is using FireFox.

Macs lack of touchscreen capability is pathetic - they are just trying to protect their iOS market by denying the option in OSX.

Just retested it with the "favourite picture of your car" thread. I can certainly get the picture to overflow both sides of the screen.  You can also right click and view image.


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None of my apple devices allow me to zoom anything. I guess MT laptop desktops will expand the whole browser window as usual but that’s not really the point cos of resolution loss if it’s not the image being zoomed. 

Mostly I use mobile devices for blatchat, because the proper computers means it’s like going to the office... yuk.

Anthony , BC and club Stuff is a pleasant distraction *bounce*

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yes you are correct Anthony, i am technically not zooming the pic, but the page, but as picture size is limited at upload, I think, not sure zoom would help any more ,

Stephen re mac and touchscreens, my macbook pro doesn't have a touch screen as you say, thank goodness say I , but it does have an exceptionally good touchpad, not sure what benefits a touch screen would give me,  my Tablet has and I would only consider using that for convenience when traveling out of the country , 

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we had "touch screen" RIP interfaces well over 20 years ago that must have been similar to airbars, the side bars of the screen overlayed a grid (can't remember if it was sonic or IR) just above the surface, I know they worked on PC and Linux and I seem to recall Mac screens, obviously pre Intel Macs,  I think our biggest screen was 30 inch, but the design was scaleable to any size, Something else Kodak should maybe have capitalised on,  story of Kodak really, missing out on opportunities 

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tim, I use an apple "pencil" to avoid actually touching the screen or having to move my hand so far - I woud prefer a mouse type pointer (trackpad in my case) but they refuse to enable it, being welded to "touch screen is best".. which it is not. IMUO

really I liked the original Palm Pilot with its stylus thing, loved it in fact and now Apple have re-invented it.. maybe best not to tell them that.

edit: I have been having dark thoughts about using the old BC method of uploading pics to my own server and linking to that, see of that fixes the problem. And no size reductions with that.


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not that long ago I ditched a couple of compaq Lte 50s still worked perfectly, still ran Word Perfect, still ran my old remote diagnostic software for printers , logging in via Modem :-) 4M ram (outstanding for its day) 40M hard drive, with room to spare, programmers were neat and tidy in those days :-) 

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and they tested their software.. reminds me of my Compaq 386/20 cost me £10k - iirc hdd was 10mb and it was 640k plus extended/expanded .. and Lotus V1.0 and 1.1 , loved that. Logged in to cern (the very first www thing I think it was ) using 1200 baud modem.. 1986-8 I think, somewhen there. Novell networks.. oh happy days.

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Ah yes Novell, I was Novell accredited up to 5 , used to run a server in the lounge :-) , hardest thing with fixing clients servers was often finding them, they failed so rarely clients had often forgotten which box it was running on and exactly where it was :-) are you familiar with the BOFH archive, sure you must be 

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