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Looking for hillclimb demo for 2019

France North AR

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I'm looking for hillclimbs for 2019.

Preferably located in south east but can travel for interesting ones like Prescott etc...

My car is a 1962 S2: No MSA or FIA paperwork for car or driver and period rollbar...so probably restricted to demo only (?)


Any advice warmly welcome about events and/or regulations.

Thanks !


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Doing a hill-climb school is a good idea as no licence or safety equipment other than a crash helmet are required. Gurston is a good call and Prescott, Shelsley Walsh and Harewood all run school days.

If you want to compete in the UK you will need the relevant licence from your FIA approved issuer (the FFSA?). The MSA in the UK can only issue licences to UK residents. It's not clear what licence you would need but probably some type of "International" licence. You would need to check with the MSA to be sure what they would accept from the French licence issuer.

Your car would most likely be eligible for one of the "Road going" classes as long as it competes in road going condition (usually taken to mean MOT'd, taxed and insured). At some events there are "historic" classes which your car might fit into. Road going cars do not need any FIA approved rollover protection so your rollbar is fine. There are restrictions on the tyres that can be used though.

Finally, be aware that our hill-climbs are a lot shorter than the typical European ones *wink*

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Nicolas, as discussed before:

Firle/Bo-Peep www.bopeepdriversclub.co.uk

Shere www.sherehillclimb.co.uk

Valence School www.facebook.com/events/170127167138429 (quite short)

All demonstration events so no requirement for a competition licence, or special equipment - as long as the car is road legal.

You need to apply to enter as soon as they open for bookings as places generally go quickly (you should hear from Kent 7s about the three above next year anyway *wink* )


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You could contact the MSA to see about getting a Nat B licence which is all you'd need I think for the Crystal Palace event.

"There is no test requirement for taking out a Non-Race National B licence but the Association of Hillclimb and Sprint Schools (AHASS) offers a written examination that can count as an upgrade signature towards a Speed National A licence."



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Few days off Blatchat and so much answers: Thanks *thumb_up*
2019 Calendar will fill up fastly now. *yes*

I'm not very interested about school *sleep* I'm more looking for typical relaxed British HC atmosphere with nice with pre 80's cars. I invested a lot of time on this 7 and I'm only looking for safe spirited driving.

@Shaun: You're right for competing in UK I need an international FFSA licence (VERY expensive for just 1 or 2 events).
When you speak about "events" you mean national HC championship not club championship I'm right ?

@Ian thanks for links. I will chase Teamer notifications as usual ;-)
- This year Valence HC and Ieper Lotus day will not be at the same date and could perhaps allow a larger Kent7 group there ?
- Bo Peep seems uncertain for 2019 (HC road modification?).
- Shere HC exactly looks what I'm after (mix of period and cars and bikes). Unfortunately 2019 date is unknow yet *frown*

@Simon thanks for head up on Crystal palace event. Looks like a nice one. I subscribed to the newsletter. I'm a bit afraid it is a competition event but I will look for a road legal or demo class.

2019 looks more interesting now  *driving*


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  • 5 months later...

I sent an entry request to Shere www.sherehillclimb.co.uk with the S2 (and another Caterham owner who want to do it wit his 3 wheeler reliant *xmas* )

I will send one too to Kop Hill   https://www.kophillclimb.org.uk/ (post war car registration starts on 23/04)
Will see if they are interested about a C21. It is the day after the Graham Nearn memorial blat and only 1 hour from fire college.

Are some club members or club area taking part to these both events?

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