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Old Style Relay Base Required.


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I am rebuilding a 1990 BDR, and am replacing the mechanical fuel pump with electric.  This involves wiring the fuel pump through a relay.

The existing original loom uses 4.5cm x 3.5 cm relay bases made by Pressac, unfortunately it is not possible to clip the later, smaller bases onto the older bases, meaning I'll have an orphan relay to mount somehow.

Redline do not stock the older bases, so am asking if anyone has an old loom with said older style relay bases that they could let me have or point me to somewhere I could obtain one.

Anyone have an old crossflow loom gathering dust somewhere??


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I have spoken to MES already, alas they don't have any of the old stuff, and haven't kept any of the relevant schematics either, as I asked them if they could build me a new loom.

Thanks for trying, trust your better half is good...

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