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I fitted a dashcam, front and back


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7EEEA99B-D39A-404C-8E86-B0B74A549EC8.thumb.jpeg.7cf35b18b53f667aa99c0ddb9330cb71.jpeg DD24A96A-2861-4E6A-BCA3-02468E401F50.thumb.jpeg.92125d0e6764aa0a4047ee3e6ffad7db.jpeg 70A43A90-98F7-4C33-AA25-AE2B6E55CA37.thumb.jpeg.6ff730a4a9ffaa23ae191cd0b62e1717.jpeg After being reversed in to and having a few close calls I decided to fit a dashcam.

Requirements were good price and front and rear facing cameras, along with small size preferable almost hidden.

I chose a motorbike system from China, using Alibaba. Link: http://Look what I found on AliExpress http://s.aliexpress.com/u2Mv26ru

It took 2 weeks to arrive tracked, £13 extra duty charge and admin. It arrived with the optional switch to protect files on the move, which I didn’t order but came inbox anyway. It’s basically an unbranded VSYS C 6 system didn’t bother with satellite tracker module. The cables are long enough to stretch front to back in a Caterham, I’ve put unit behind passenger knee panel. Front camera uses hole for heated screen wires, very hidden. 

youtube clip: 

​i fitted rear camera on number plate bracket, front I tried behind screen but decided tuck by mirror worked fine, using  Sugru to fix, may review position.

i wired in to my cutoff switch, so it records as soon as I turn on.

I review it again after a night run.





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Looks good. Couple of observations from the video:

- could the forward facing camera be more central. I think you’d miss something coming in from the right?

- Rear facing - have you pulled a car up behind to see what view you capture at say 6 feet? Just wondering if you get the numbet plate in shot and driver?


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A double edged sword I'm afraid ! It will give you the evidence of wrong doing but plod will use it against you if they feel your collar for a heavy right foot .

I have enjoyed your blats on YouTube 

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JNC, true, hence why no GPS module fitted. I guess it’s the same if you film with a go pro.

On balance, after a few incidents in 3 years, particularly when reversed into by a mini cab, whose first words were “you drove into me”... (his passengers disagreed), A couple of cars pulling out on me and recent close calls on mini-roundabouts where cars have just plowed straight on at speed.

I like to think I drive defensively, sensibly, even questioning whether it’s not them, it’s me, in terms of recent incidents. Maybe it’s because I’m up in ‘that there London’...driving standards are atrocious. And that’s just my sister!

I've recently had a spate of vans up my backside in traffic, as it were, to see the driver taking pictures on their phone.

On my last ‘blat’ we were followed for a short time by a scooter, unplated, with two chaps on it... only on reflection did we realise they might be muggers, ready to swipe stuff.

I was particularly keen to make the system as invisible as possible, 


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Do those box girder mirror arms whistle at speed ?

Nope, or at least the rest of the car is noisier. Photo does make them look a bit bigger than reality. 

Mirrors are CNCd scooter mirrors with convex glass from Taiwan

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Like yourself I purchased a dash-cam a couple of weeks ago due to third party involvement in a couple of incidents recently (one being an artic who backed into the Seven when I wasn't even in the car) - coupled with (again as yourself) some close calls, so I too went out and bought a Nextbase one from Halfords, and an extra window mount to transfer it from work hack to Seven. Mine is only forward facing but I have it under the mirror and don't find it too unobtrusive - it's mildly noticeable and I'd rather now have it than not so put up with it. I like the idea of the rear one though that you have done and will look into copying that idea on mine.


One observation I have noticed is that in the Seven, it's obviously there and all road users can see it - conversely, the number of times cars and bikes used to try and 'push' you on country roads (think chavs and power rangers) has reduced quite significantly as when they come roaring up to within 6 inches of the spare wheel, most now then back off a considerable distance some 10 seconds later- I can only attribute this to them seeing the dash cam and the screen running / playing (I keep the screen on in the Seven as it's usually only sunny when I take it out so not put off by any glare, and other road users can see it on so I believe it acts even more as a deterrent). Its too much of a coincidence to be anything else.

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Its a balance isn't it? If they know you have cameras I'm sure it will act as a deterrent. I'm keen on keeping mine hidden as I want to leave it when parked up for short times and would be worried about it Being nicked.

Today I'm going to experiment with front facing camera on rear bulkhead.

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  • 2 years later...
  • Area Representative

As there have been mentions of dashcams after 7WotW's unfortunate accident, I though this thread might be worth bringing back to the top.  The late, lamented Stridey put together a very discreet system, which may be worth looking over.

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My observation would be a direct inverse correlation between the conspicuity of a drivers dashcam and the standard of driving. (there are a lot of s**t drivers that seem to think a dashcam is going to record evidence of everyone elses wrong doing not thinking that it might be them that's the problem). I'd also like to see plod start prosecuting dash cam users who don't disable the screen during use - until the legislation gets updated. Personally I think they're hateful things - if we want better driving standards the appropriate solution is more roads policing and if you're concerned about others driving standards a better solution would be to take your own defensive/advanced driver training.


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Is there precedent for such Police action? I have not heard of this before and rather surprised given all the laws around data protection, would have thought a warrant would have to be secured? 

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dash cam as conspicuous as possible, as opposed to having it hidden.

Not a dash cam but I fitted a reversing camera in a obvious place, the bottom of my spoiler of my Exige. 


On several occasions I have noticed how the usual types come tearing up behind trying to hassle you, but then suddenly notice the camera and drop back, even though it's not even recording anything! 

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All of the dedicated dash cams I've seen don't have a screen at all, especially the compact ones that fit on the mirror stalk, shouldn't be a distraction issue.

I'd say any filming or photos in a public place should not be an issue in a free society, but a personal choice, not any different than filming a blat or taking snapshots at a tourist attraction.

I don't have a dash cam myself, but have no problem with anyone who does. Any policing of dash cam content or usage of a passive device that is clamped in place without a screen, smacks of police state tactics to me.

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