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Unneccessary built in obsolescence - Steering Racks - Commercial Arrangements


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I am rebuilding a BDR and wanted the rack refurbished, and would like to keep the car as it was delivered back in the day. I spoke to Caterham, and was told that the rack would need to be returned to Titan via Caterham, but the costs of doing so, is near enough the costs of a new rack....this is madness, that and the commercial arrangements between Titan and Caterham which precludes customers contacting Titan direct is a very unhealthy cartel.   Rant Over

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Hi Tazio, If you really want to keep the car as it was delivered back in the day then you should be using the mini based rack as I believe your car, as does mine, pre-dates the Caterham branded item.

Cheers, Brian.

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My 94 car originally had a mini based rack and was refurbished by Redline (under previous ownership) for a reasonable price. Parts will be available and as suggested a local specialist should be able to do this for a reasonable price. I think the only modification from the original is the fitting of lock limiting collars.

I had similar problems with the Titan/Caterham relationship over the re-manufacture of K dry sump pans....


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The rack is a Caterham branded item, how long it's been on the car, who knows, I just don't agree with the tight ( or should it be bullying?) relationships between Caterham and their suppliers, which prevents owners going direct to the source of essentially a service item which simply puts up the cost of ownership unnecessarily......

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No, but on a 30 year old VW I wouldn’t expect their help and would take it to a specialist Indy. At the end of the day it a bespoke casting probably filled with BL/Ford parts. Any specialist should be able to fix it.

It’s hardly a valuable bit of IP held by CC, just restrictive practice. I thought there was EU legislation, maybe it’s in development, on restrictive practices in the automotive sector about where you could get car fixed! 


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The Titan steering rack is filled with Titan parts. I have one that I'm going to refurbish myself as the linear bushes are worn. These could well be standard "norm" items but I'm going to make them from bronze with graphite.

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I went in, and it's exactly as 'old gimmer' said, it's a definite No. Their Caterham Supply contract specifically prevents them dealing with Caterham owners directly. So it appears that with the costs to refurb plus Caterham's handling uplift charges, it's cheaper to buy new.....shame they do not have stock....

I think I will pursue other options.... 

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I thought there was EU legislation, maybe it’s in development, on restrictive practices in the automotive sector about where you could get car fixed! 

The regulations forbidding withholding information to promote restrictive practices are in place. But I can't find anything since that, which is worrying.


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Servicing the racks is pretty straight forward any of the Caterham workshops will be able to help, perhaps they have in inside line to getting spares too. I'd start with Redline

Whilst I understand CC's wish to be sole distributor of parts which they have probably made and investment in they should ensure there is an effective route for spares and servicing for their customers......... unless they believe all components are merely disposable ?

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I thought the later racks (after the Mini ones) were Metro items sitting in the Caterham casting. I don’t remember the racks wearing at anywhere near this rate in a Metro or any other vehicle, points to poor design or crap quality or as has been suggested ignorance of the issue by Caterham as it’s good for recurring parts sales.

Every Seven I’ve had bar the last one developed (or already had) a rattly end to the passenger side end of the rack.

If Caterham won’t fix it is there a rack remanufacturer who can objectively look at the problem and sort a permanent or longer term fix to remove Caterham from the equation completely?

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Jonathan re #20.  From memory Block Exemption laws in relation to Vertical Arrangements with regards to repairs and servicing would be the EU rulings that are being contravened in this instance.

On another slant, I thought Titan did a components supply service for their internal parts? For a DIY / 3rd party rack refurb, the parts description and main dimensions should be sourcable from Titan without mentioning the "C" word.  

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