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Handbrake Cable


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Afternoon all,

I am just coming to the latter stages of my 360 R build which I have greatly enjoyed ( the new manual which was published half way through helped !) At the moment  I am having a deal of difficulty hooking the left hand handbrake cable over the hook of the left hand brake calliper. The right hand one was fine. I’d be v grateful for any ideas/ experiences as to how to resolve.

I appreciate any suggestions .


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Does the cable inner seem too short? 

Is yours an SV?  If so, do you have the longer clevis (50P014A)?

If you've already hooked up the cable to the clevis pulley, and attached that to the handbrake, you could try disconnecting the clevis and then trying again to fit the cable to the calliper hook.

ETA:  Have you slackened off the adjuster as far as possible?


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Adjuster fully loosened and correctly seated, handbrake fully down with no tunnel cover fitted, and no ties securing the cable outers to the diff housing or chassis? With the rh side engaged try with a pair of mole grips to get a little more purchase for the LH cable inner after it curves around the pulley behind the handbrake, then do the same by pulling on the end of the cable inner on the lh side.  Locate the lh cable inner on the disc assembly first and then the hook outer cable into position. Mine was a tight initial fit from memory. You might need a mole to grip the cable outer at the last stage, making sure you don't deform the outer cable.

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Hi John and Jim 

Thanks for such helpful response and so quick helps so much when you hit what appears to be a dead end 

Its an S3 so I’m ok on the clevis , no cable ties and handbrake fully down with no tunnel fitted. 

I’ll recheck the adjuster then try the other suggestions and report back. 



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