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I know I shouldn't basking what will no doubt will be a simple answer but, im having trouble removing the wiper arms off the spindle. Im in the process or swapping the windscreen for aero, that bit has gone very easy, but the wipers are putting up a fight? The search result mentions a clip retainer which I don't seem to have. Am I Just being too gentle with pulling them off?  It is a 2003 car.



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I agree with SJS, having fitted brookland screens this weekend to my 93 Supersport. I levered mine off with a screwdriver between the wiper arms and nut on spindle surround to get things moving -  came off easily after that.

Not sure if you will need to but I also needed to get the wiper spindles out of the way and also remove the washer jet as the brookland screens mount located directly over the spindles and washer jet. The wiper mechanism is only held in place by the 2 nuts referred to above - you need to loosen the nuts and then tap the spindles with a rubber mallet to push the wiper mechanism through into the cockpit, and lift off the wiper spindle extensions and rubber seals from the scuttle.


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Another word of caution. The spindles are made from some form of silver chocolate. Levering off and/or using a small screwdriver to lift the retaining spring can quite easily remove the edge of the spindle that the spring drops behind.

Not a problem if you never intend to refit the wipers but if you do you may well find that your wiper will leap off during use. 

Ask me how I know......

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Great, all done. Thanks for your replies, easy when you know how.

I must admit, how cool does the Caterham look with the aero screen?! Just a few last bits to sort to tidy up the appearance, like wiper motor spindle grommets then fit the side mirrors. 


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Hi Piers, good to hear from you. The car only came out of hibernation two weeks ago for its MOT. I'm ashamed to say that was the first since last October. I borrowed a synchrometer from John to balance the throttle bodies but all seemed OK to be honest. There is a slight difference between the two rollers but I believe this is manufacturing tolerances. Had to replace the pos to starter solenoid lead as this had burned to a crisp having got too close to one of the exhaust primaries. Nick at NJ Potter mentioned it runs well with nothing out of the ordinary, so I'm going to enjoy it this summer. I've got a few runs planned in my local playground of the Peak District this summer, fingers crossed for good weather. 

Hope all is well with your R300.


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