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Rev counter removal


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Hmmm. A few years ago, I removed my rev counter, cut and crimped a DRE shift light in, drilled a hole in the scuttle (scary bit) and was done and dusted in about an hour.

Today, in a 2016 car, one hour in and I have t found a way to remove the rev counter. I can feel additional cables and connectors, so I may not need to piggy back off the rev counter ones, but I can’t get access to see this without removal. 

Has it been glued in? I even tried rotating the bezel, but no joy. I didn’t apply brute force because I don’t want to break anything. Any guidance would be appreciated!




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Is there not a square U-shaped bracket attached to the back of the rev counter with two thumb-wheel nuts on the newer ones then? There used to be two plastic nuts on threaded studs out of the back of the gauges that passed through a a little bracket that ran across the back of the gauge and then forward to press against the back of the dash panel. I'm not explaining this very well am I?
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Hi both! What you describe and show is my old rev counter from my K series. The new ones aren’t like this. No amount of “feeling” around the back presents me with a nut, bolt or bracket. I’m now thinking that they are pushed in from the front of the dash and glued in perhaps. 

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Haha ! I've just had a flash back to when I was a boy my Dad who was a manual worker all his life always suffered from back pain due to the nature of his work and if mother wasn't in ear shot he would often hold his back and say it hurts like buggery !! , as a boy buggery was just a mild swear word didn't know what it meant ? But now a lot older and knowing what it means how would my dad know it hurt like that ??  And how do you know a Rev counter without an O ring rattles like buggery . LoL     *yikes*


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Interested in how you get on with your original problem. There is a 3 way connector behind the rev counter which is for a shift light apparently. Derek sent me the matching half and I connected my DRE, which powers up correctly but receives no signal. I haven't got around to troubleshooting it, whether the signal pin has just got a bad connection/crimp or whether the Caterham wiring is faulty in some way.

(My 2017 310S has the old style rev counter by the way).

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