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On a scale of 1 to 10, how stupid is........

Paul Mason

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Ive seen recipes for home brew penetrating oil, think with gearbox/ diff oil and acetone.  Not the sort of thing I want to be brewing up in the garage! 

As above, Id be surprised if the quantities we would use brake cleaner would cause harm, but best apply the precautionary principal.  A short blast of brake cleaner might be reduced harm than longer exposure to a lesser substance! Ill let you look into that *read* as I know the toxicology studies are very limited on human exposure to contaminants.   


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Going back to Ian's "polishers" comment earlier.......here's me thinking the greatest risk to my health thus far was the combination of my 7 inexperience/lack of driving ability, tyres that seem not to like the wet and driving in the wet.......

If I do harm to myself doing the unnecessary cleaning activities rather than driving......I'm gonna be well pxxxed off with myself! *rofl*

May start with the clay as a "safe" option!

On the subject of "polishers", and slightly off topic for the sake of my curiosity, what is the terminology for the owners who aren't the polishers and are the "drivers" for want of a better word? An is there a 3rd category of polishers and drivers?

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In no particular order.......sadness, loneliness, a lack of interpersonal skills, being antisocial, not being liked by the rest of the household.......to name but a few, but mainly because the therapist said I needed something to occupy my mind to avoid the "unpleasant" consequences from rearing their heads again - the less said about that, the better.....

Primarily, because I brought the bonnet in to do a couple of paint chips and while it was there, and the autosol was out from the previous day, the "wonder what that would look like" thought crept in........and now I've started I am going to have to finish - act in haste/curiosity......repent at leisure, or something like that

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Elie, I may leave the underside of the louvres to be honest and just tidy up the rest. I know from the other way up I won't see the underside, just cautious around going too close to the paint on the top I want tip top. I expect the elbow grease to reward ratio will ultimately be low and very subjective as to whether it was worthwhile
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It keeps me out of trouble!


BenF.... sounds like a damned fine idea......however I'm from the North thus can't afford gravel


SM25T....I wish I could forget it, but I can't leave a foolishly started job half done


Roadsport....wish it was April as I'd be driving and not bored finding stupid jobs to start


David....about the only sensible thing I've done is to lay it on a thick soft blanket to prevent damage

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Hello Paul,

What a man!!! And on the dining room table!  I have never seen such bravery... LOL.

But I think that after you get the paint off your bigger problem is going to be getting a consistent finish over the remaining bare Aluminium.  I have only tackled stainless sheet, and I had great results with the same random orbital polisher that I use on my paint.  It is very safe and benign, and produces a completely swirl-free pattern that I have never managed to achieve by hand.  I would not - or could not - use a rotary polisher on the inside of a bonnet since they are jolly difficult to control.  I was once polishing a brass bonnet hinge on a rotary polisher outside my garage, when it seized it in a total frenzy and threw it several hundred maters into the woods.  Never found it again...

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Stridey - both great suggestions......however, my fattness and associated lack of flexibility prevents me from doing the back of the dash - I have considered using my daughter to undertake, however I have serious concerns about the quality of her workmanship (its a work in progress and fortunately she's only 8 so I have time yet to parent her properly on such things). Re: rollbar....surely, over exuberant polishing would potentially weaken the structure?? *eek*

Thus I have decided to do the inside of the wheels first then move onto the diff hanger, A arms and De Dion tube next. You may question the wisdom of this, however I am intending on doing some track days in 2018 (starting at the novice day at Rockingham) and should I end the day upside down, the sparkling underside of the car will surely take attention away from my driving disaster....at which point I suspect my forethought will be applauded.

David - bravery and stupidity are rather close bedfellows and to claim the former, one really needs a victory.....on the basis I have been moved to the kitchen (a table already destroyed by children) I feel I cannot claim bravery/victory in this case *thumbdown*

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To the scientific experiment pertaining to the original question........nail polish remover and autosol does seem to work a treat! I have unfortunately now run out of both so need to go do some shopping before the other half discovers the missing nail polish remover.......

Tonights experiment will be white spirit in place of nail polish remover....


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I was only teasing - polisher is generally someone who cleans it more than they use it!

I quite enjoy those fine detail jobs that you know are done but no one else will spot. I spent an hour or so recently getting acquainted with the bulkhead of my recently purchased tintop. Lots of leaves, cobwebs and dust removed along with a ton of silt in the four bulkhead drains. Found a screw that had been dropped and replaced it in its correct hole and refitted the battery vent.



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