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A great day out on Sunday at the Silverstone Classic meeting, only marred a little by the weather at either end of the day, especially the drive there from Staffordshire which started in heavy rain.

MrsRocks and I started the day grappling with the full hood, which seems to be just a few mm smaller all round than when I last fitted it a few years ago. It was finally fitted after about 20 minutes of cursing, but proved perfectly waterproof on the way down.

Once parked up at Silverstone my neighbour (sorry, didn't get your name) was keen to extol  the virtues of the half hood, especially the Thundersports version. 

I can see that either half hood carries the advantages of being fitted in seconds rather than minutes, the tensioning straps look much easier than that the awkward system in the full hood, they are less claustrophobic when up and take up less space when down.   

What about integrating with the standard  doors? Someone has suggested that there is a gap between the SBFS's hood and the door. Does the TS hood fit with the door as the full hood does?

Despite this the SBFS version sounds as if it may have the significant advantage of easy access zips as extras. Are these worthwhile? 

Probably my biggest fear when driving in the wet is spray - I've had a couple of occasions driving on busy dual carriageways without the hood, when it has come on to rain and the spray has not just coated the windscreen (which is manageable) but both sides of the lenses of my glasses too. I am hoping that the half hood reduces the risk of this greatly.

Any further guidance would be very welcome.

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There is no gap between the SBFS hood and doors, and like the TS version, the doors tuck inside at the top so the rain runs off. A spray mist tends to come in from the back on both versions when you are driving at speed and this can be reduced if you install a draft excluder. I've been in some downpours and the half hood has kept us both relatively dry....okay, in truth only slightly damp!

Some folks swear by the easy-in zips, however, I've never tried them.

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I was also in heavy rain, and in stationary traffic on M1 for a while, heading North on the way home from the Classic. My Thundersports half hood in vinyl coped well although some water came in onto my right shoulder as it ran off the hood. Same on other side but no passenger was getting wet. Car a bit damp inside when I got home however I was (too) warm and dry. Have never used the full hood as the half hood does the job

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JimmyRocks - I was your 'next door neighbour at the Classic!

I can only state my personal experiences of half hoods while trialing both SB & Thundersport products,

SB fabric 'Easy In' (zip on drivers side):

Easy to fit. The rear side attachment to the forward boot cover popper seemed to be inadequate when hood tensioned & indeed kept popping thus releasing the hood throughout the time it was used. Generally it popped at any speed over 30mph very annoying when pressing on.

Could never quite get the correct tension & after three days of rain the hood started to sag & leak especially around the zip. No amount of tensioning could stop the sag. At speed the flapping around of the hood was unbearable.

The SB fabric hood doers require re-proofing at least once a year if used extensively in wet weather.

Thundersport vinyl:

Easy to fit. The rear side attachment of a small webbing strap, QR buckle & velcro tensioner fitted under the rollover bar mounting bolt works very well, adding tension in the right place & without the danger of detaching the corner. The hood always tensions well, never sags or leaks. No worries about regular reproofing & the vinyl is more resistant to damage or tearing. At speed the hood was rock steady with no flapping.


I chose the Thundersport half hood with trim piping in body colour. A personal choice but both products are good having their own plus & minus according to what the customer wants or experiences.

Both half hoods give just the right amount of protection from the elements with the added bonus of being fitted in a couple of minutes in an emergency situation. Do not expect them to be a  panacea as the 'Caterham effect' will still allow the odd drop of moisture in. 

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Have had both SBFS and Thundersport/Oxted versions in the past. Have just had to buy a new half hood for a new car and chose, without hesitation, the Thunders/Oxted version for the following reasons.

1. Wanted Mohair - the Thundersport mohair is really good quality having had both in the past.

2. The side strap attachment arrangement is far better on the Thundersport version. I like some others have had the SBFS side strops 'pop' off under tension.

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Never had a side strap popper come off at any speed with a SBFS half hood since using it exclusively from 2005. If you fit the recommended one-way popper base then I can't see how it could come undone.

Also never had to re-proof one either, using regularly in all weathers.

No problems getting it tensioned properly and no flapping at any speed either.

I do around 5-8k miles a year so well tested.

I drove a car with the Thundersport copy hood and found that it extended slightly too far down on the rear side corner so the over the shoulder safety check meant ducking to see under it - although if you're not tall that may not be an issue.

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I have found the Soft Bits half hood to be a very good compromise. The material it is made of folds up very small (even when wet) into the extremely neat holder that clips around the roll cage.


In dodgy weather, I keep it sitting on top of the boot cover (straps attached), and can deploy it very quickly. When I ordered it, I was warned that with a zip it would drip when stationary in very heavy rain. I had to have the zip to get in, so far it has only leaked once when stuck in traffic in a cloudburst!


I do reproof mine each winter, but it sounds like I probably don't need to *smile* . Certainly, I haven't had it undo or flap at speed.


I am sure the Thundersports one is good, but from what I understand without Soft Bits there wouldn't have been any half hoods.



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The security popper is vital on the side straps on the SoftBits HH. Used ours at very high speeds without problems. Tend to reproof ours every other year by brushing on Grangers Fabsil Gold waterproofer with the hood fitted to the car. Water then beads and runs off nicely.
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Thanks guys for all of your advice.

Loads of helpful information. (Isn't BlatChat great)

Clearly they are both good products and both have their advocates.

I must say I liked the Thundersport fixing under the roll bar bolts, rather than using the poppers - looks like SBFS uses the same popper that the full hood attaches to behind the door, which seems to pop loose on mine quite freely. I think Geoff had me convinced from the outset.

So I'm going to opt for the Thundersports version. Does anyone know if the mohair packs smaller than the viinyl? 

Oooh. Decisions, decisions.

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You won't go wrong with either product, and if not satisfied, there's a healthy re-sale market on BC.

I have never experienced the directional poppers flying off - If positioned correctly and tightened sufficiently they should be solid as a rock.  Don't like the Thundersport large eye idea as the straps are a permanent fixture. *getmecoat*

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