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Knocking noise on tickover.

Hilbron Runde

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When my 7 is ideling ( on tickover ) there is a knocking noise in the engine compartment. This noise is not from inside the engine and nothing is loose. When I hold the rocker cover and starter motor and hold the engine the noise stops. It's more like a vibrating noise but I cant see anything touching. This has only recently happened. Could it be one or both engine mounting rubber blocks?? are there any better engine mounting blocks on the market other than standard ?? engine is 1700 crossflow.
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Think Caterham now have one piece engine mounts with retaing sections so they can't fall apart. A fairly cheap mod to fit new ones & can't hurt can it? They don't last forever and can go soft/drop and create the problem you state.

If the knocking can be alleviated by holding the engine 'firm' is there something touching? I would start with the exhaust coming through the bodywork as there is often minimal cut-out here and soft mounts could allow it to touch etc. The new mounts will then cure this (fingers crossed!) *thumbup*

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Not too familiar with Xflows so if I'm way off mark I apologise but the K has a cover plate over the plug leads on the cam cover. This can rattle if one of the screws has loosened and would obviously stop when you put your hand on it. This has been identified as the source of many a panic.


I hope this is useful.



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