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Stick on Number Plates


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Yes it is a crass observation.


Fellow Blatters are sending cheques and details via that old fashioned method of communication called a letter.




Not sure will check when get home tonight and post an update.


I do have 4 orders still o/s just waiting from more front plates which I hope my local supplier will have today.



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Stuggling to get more front and rear plates but my supplier is struggling. However, should know in a couple of weeks.


Stuart Burns - yours is in the post (first come first served)


Alison Morris, Jack Morgan-Smith and Mike Jones I will assume I can hang onto your cheques for a couple of weeks in the hope I can get some more. However if that is not acceptable to you I will return your cheques.


Please, no more orders until I can ascertain whether I can get any more backings.


Mr Flatters... no offence taken, I suppose given the number of postings on the thread someone would be along with a 'comment'



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made mine up at the weekend *smile* and also weighed them the number plate is around 225g and the stick on one with 7 letters and sticky back plastic is nearer 25g


so an allround saving of 400g for less than 15 quid not bad *smile* although I have still to put them on the car


also I found a few things that helped me get everthing aligned neatly


1. if you have the orginal number plate off the car use that as a template as to where the characters should be aligned, i did this by taping them both down on a piece of card so that they where aligned

2. I also put a length of masking tape along the bottom of the stick on number plate to help me align the charctaers so they where all the same height

3. I started in the middle and worked my way out, it may have helped that my middle charcter was a 1

4. As I had 3 plates to do, when it got around to the sticky black plastic bit I placed all 3 on the same piece of card and put the SBP on in 1 go, went on smooth and easy. i then cut the plates out using a sharpe blade




*smile* *smile*

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  • 2 weeks later...



Andy, sorry can only do oblong plates.



Thanks for your patience I am hoping my 'local' supplier will be getting some more plates in first week in April. I do not cash any cheque until plates are despatched.


I have tried to source them from elsewhere but with no luck so now know how difficult they are to get hold of!

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Hi all


Spoke to my local supplier at the wekend and they are on back order I will give them another couple of weeks then return cheques. Sorry


I have tried other sources but failed.


If after returning cheques they finally come good then I will re-post the advert.




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Visited supplier (I use the word supplier with some reservation) at weekend they are expecting a delivery this week.


If nothing arrives( again) then I will admit defeat and return/destroy cheques as appropriate.


Will post update after Easter.







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