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Green with yellow stripe - K70 TCS Eynsford area (An upsetting tale)

James D

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I did not know if to post this here, as I hoped to allow a wider audience than just L7C members.  I experienced a rather unwelcome reception at a petrol station near Sevenoaks today at 15:00.  An irate driver blocked in my caterham (details above) and fronted me shouting about my poor driving.  I really did have to pacify the driver as he told me his story below.  (I will tone down and re address some of the words accordingly).


He said he saw me driving with complete disregard near the bridge with an 'S Bend' between Shoreham and Eynesford at 13:45 today overtaking a Volvo estate and a family hatchback narrowly missing an oncoming motorcyclist upon a blind bend, then entered under the bridge and continued traveling at speed which could easily have been a real disaster.  It turns out a close family member passed away in a similar experience, so it was very close to his heart, I really felt for him and understood his stance on what he saw.  I explained that although he may have seen my car, it could not have been myself as I have only been driving since 15:00 and I do let others drive my car.  I had let my friend have a drive in the early afternoon so asked the irate driver if the person behind the wheel was wearing a red vest as I was wearing a green T shirt.  He looked at me and said yes, after my explanation he apologised but had not seen driving like it and wanted to give my friend a right earful.  He had explained how he wanted to let me know his intentions in a more physical way so was grateful how I managed the situation and sympathized with him.  He could have easily turned the situation against him with undue criminal damage and assault.


With this I went to my friends house, told him the story to which he only too honestly and sheepishly clarified, along with other stories to my alarming frustration, so his now off my insurance.


I know that the people affected will most likely never read this post but if you do, I wanted to set the record straight and show a resolve.  So if you have seen a silly experience around Ide Hill, Chipstead, Eynesford, Farnigham, Hever, Westerham (most of West Kent) then that silly experience will not be occurring again.  More extensively I do not wish for people to think L7 owners drive like idiots just for the sake of my now ex friend.  This day and age, road rage is becoming more of an issue and given the above, I do now wonder if I will be approached again or perhaps worse, I also worry about if I can leave the car now.  Moral of the story - Don't drive like an idiot, treat fellow road users with respect and if you do let your car to others, you may wish to be in the car with them.

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Oddly, I find myself driving with greater respect/courtesy when behind the wheel of the Caterham or the Mark 2 Jag. Not sure why this is.....in the Jag it might be a case of reverting to the standards of the 60s but in the Caterham......maybe subliminally I don't want people to think that sports car drivers are arrogant d...s?  Mind you, I did get shouted at this afternoon when I overtook (very slowly and very wide) a couple of horse riders. I felt quite wounded.


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  • Area Representative

Well done - you did the right thing and you must be very disappointed in your ex friend, who was abusing your friendship. I am staggered that someone can behave so badly in your car, when you were not looking. I live in Kent (east) and appreciate your situation.



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