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Duratec resonance 360R


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Hi All

I am looking for some pointers in trying to track down a very loud resonance at 2500 rpm.  It seems to come from under the dash behind the speedo, but obviously noise travels.   It's present stationary and moving, in any gear.  It's very pronounced, and can be clearly heard over 37db ear plugs.  It's really is spoiling the pleasure of driving the car, it's like having a rev limiter, because I don't want to go over the resonance point, and hate it as decelerating back through it.  

So far I have checked:

All the instruments, and the brackets holding them

The wiper tube, fixings and plates.

Bonnet and nose, happens with them off the car.

Gearbox touching the Chassis, there is a gap (not much, but a gap)

Column clears the exhaust, and the exhaust is not touching anything.

Touching the dash, outer column, steering lock, knee pads, coil cover, windscreen, heater, battery,  airbox, ECU, side skins, fuse cover, all to no effect.  

Basically, if I could touch it when the engine is running I have, yet the resonance exists.

So, where next to look?



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I have something similar when setting off from a standstill, it seems worse with some steering applied. It is incredibly annoying and I cant seem to find the answer.  I did find the large FIA key resister was flapping around making a knocking sound.  The list above is helpful Ill continue searching.  

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Hi Tom 

No FIA switch on mine :-( but thanks anyway.

As for yours, there is a small unused mounting tang inside the pedal box, at the front of the box, directly in line with the steering column as it passes through.  Mine touched the column and had to be bent out the way during IVA,  I wonder if yours is touching at some steering angles.  


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Thanks will have a look.  I was wondering whether Id lost a plastic sleeve from one of the steering column bushes, but there is no play at either end of the steering column as its passes through the dash, so don't think its that.  

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Hi Jim.   That has been my prime focus all weekend.  Initially the gap was smaller, I have doubled the gap to about 5mm but this made no difference to the resonance.   I didn't test with something between the gap, so that's another thing on my check list.    

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Engine/Gearbox and Silencer mounts are all standard, how do you mean allowing metal to metal contact?    It does have the wider gearbox tunnel for the Mazda box, but being a 6sp the gearbox mount is the standard type 9 mount, all be it on a removable mounting plate as per Mazda install.   The chassis is almost vibration free apart from 2500 rpm, where all hell breaks losses. 

Pedal box lid removed and the resonance still happens, also happens if brake and clutch pedal are pressed. 

Scuttle panel.  I will check. 

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Im going to check windscreen mounts/ fasteners, FIA key, steering column tube, pedal box & contents, ECU & fuse box mounting, wiper spindles, knee trim panels, instrument mountings. Fingers crossed Ill find something only finger tight that cure it!  

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Idea from a numpty

sit in car and create noise. Have someone go round the car filming, phone should do. 

Stay about 1 foot off ground and similar away from car. Go all round and over in hoops again 

about foot apart.

watch and listen to film carefully. You may  able to narrow down an area by the

 changes in sound. Good luck.


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I had exactly the same, just at the revs the car sat at on the motorway. Seemed to be under the dash. It was something you say you addressed so might not help but here goes. It turned out on my car to be the spring clamp for the bonnet. At just the right revs it vibrated against the bonnet, what a noise. Even made a noise with bonnet off but at different frequency etc. Just happened to touch it during one investigation. A plastic tube expanded in hot water and fitted over the spring took it away. Hope that helps.

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Thanks for all the suggestions, all are food for thought, and I will be checking all of them.  If I get no luck its time for a video.  

JV - The all mounts are under 800 miles old, with no signs of wear, that said it does not exclude manufacturing faults. 


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Chris, I can't locate the thread but there was a posting on here about 6 months ago which a vibration on a new build turned that out to be a dodgy engine mount. Thr original culprit was thought to be the gearbox touching chassis.

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