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Strong smell of petrol after use (R500D)


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I've recently had my R500D remapped.

About an hour or two after a drive, once the car has cooled down,  there is a strong smell of petrol but I cannot see any signs of a leak anywhere and there is nothing on the garage floor. Complete PITA as smell gets in to the house although it eventually disappears.

Any pointers and as I'm a complete novice, please provide as much detail as possible. *smile*








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In no particular order:

  • Do you think it's done this ever since the work?
  • Visual inspection from filler cap to exhaust: filler hose, fuel tank, float fitting, pipes... do you have an Assembly Guide? If the tank (or anything else) is dirty give it a good clean and then inspect again. You can use bits of paper towel to check for moistness.
  • Get someone else to confirm the timing of the appearance of the smell. 
  • Starting and running OK?
  • Any visible emissions from exhaust pipe?
  • Does it live in a garage or outside?
  • How far are you from the remapper, and where are you?

And the safety note: keep everything well ventilated, no naked flames, pilot lights, smoking etc and have a fire extinguisher somewhere appropriate.



Any pointers and as I'm a complete novice, please provide as much detail as possible.

"We are all complete novices, but some of us are looking at the stars". :-)

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Looks like a leak at the fuel tank end. 

Noticed a few drops of petrol on the corner of the frame directly underneath the offside edge of the fuel tank, which had just started to drip on the garage floor. Had a good look around the filler cap, hose and filter assembly but they were spotless and from underneath, around the seal gasket but couldn't see anything obvious. Had a clean up anyway but evidence of the leak soon returned in the same area.

Unfortunately I can't easily identify where the fuel is coming from with the tank in situ but I suspect the gasket might be an issue and it seems a pig to get to. 

Looks like a tank removal jobbie unless anyone has any easier solutions.

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I had a small weep from the petrol tank hose (perished under clamp )  that comes out of the tank *yikes* only noticed after car had run up to temp,assume it was under pressure ! 

Check that hose

Tanks can get pin holes !

When I first got my car I had this and tank was replaced under warranty *thumb_up* 

As above sender gasket worth a lot also *thumbup* 


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