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the properties of wibble

Boonie Hound

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Well, to begin, it has come to my notice that there appears to be a cunning sort of conspiracy going on which involves the cows attempting to take over the world.


How this information came to my attention is of no consequence, the main issue is to make sure that people are alerted of the sitation so they may truly know what evil schemes are afoot.


Basically, the situation is something like this:

the cows are trying to take over the world. Not for any particular reason, just because they get bored sitting around in fields all day and being looked at so people can judge the weather.


Anyway, the sheep, as you might guess, are not too happy about all of this. They are quite happy with their field-dwelling existance and are not at all pleased about the pending threat of the cows.


So in order to combat this, the sheep have developed a cloaking device which allows them to remain in the field whilst cows believe there is no living being there, and cunningly overhear their plans for world domination. Ahahahahaaaaaa...


So, this is why sometimes you drive past a field and there are sheep in it, and next time you drive past, there appear to be only cows. A popular theory was that the cows were actually eating the sheep, but this has been shown to be a hideous untruth.


Another interesting fact in relation to this is that often after a field has been vacated, you will notice an abundance of birds flocking around. DO NOT BE FOOLED.


These are actually the reconnaisance sheep which are sent in the less sophisticated cloaking devices which make them look like birds, who are sent to uncover any vital missed evidence. The colour of the birds, obviously, depends on the colour of the sheep, which is why often they will appear to look like magpies or seagulls.


Ah how the sheep laugh when they think how many are fooled by their clever guise. Happily you are now one of the enlightened few who may bask in the glory of knowing the truth.


Honda Passion Orange, 640kg *eek*, and proud of it *smile*

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Right, there is a map of Clacton beach, with the normal and obvious things on it, such as toilets, pier, sea, etc... one of these items is "Lost Children", SatansJellyCat, whom we shall refer to from now on as Lauren for sake of argument, pointed out that it must just be where you get your lost children from, in a kind of "Get your lost children here, 10 for a pand" manner. In addition to this, I added that they simply appear from nowhere, blinking into existence at random at the point of "Lost Children". But... all these children must come from some source of matter or energy... children cannot simply 'appear', they must 'disappear' in some form from another point in time and space. Thus, in conclusion, there must be an 'anti-lost children' device or area, much like the bermuda triange, where children simply vanish out of existence... later to vanish back into existence at the point of "Lost Children"

Hence, it was decided that this point was the small bridge, spanning the road that runs down to the pier. If a child crosses the midpoint, they simply vanish, as mentioned in the paragraph above - inherit all properties of the theory. This law applies to all children, regardless of age. Hence if a 45 year old man, with his 28 year old son cross the bridge, the 'child' will be translocated to the "Lost Children" cachement area. Children only disappear however, when accompanied by their parents.

This also applies for multiple-generations, for example if grandson, father, and grandparent cross the bridge, the two lesser generations vanish, but may not necessarily reappear in the same time and space. There must be more than the single point of appearance. Latest studies reveal that if a child and parent traverse the bridge backwards, that is walking the wrong way, the child is cloned and a duplicate appears. This obviously is lesser documented, as children and parents rarely walk backwards over the bridge - this is a matter for further experimentation.


Honda Passion Orange, 640kg *eek*, and proud of it *smile*

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Noticed how you never seem baby pigeons, only adult ones? The reason is simple; baby pigeons are hidden from view from when they hatch, to when they become sexually mature (normally at about 1 yr old I believe). This phenomenon is due to the important part that Nelson's column plays in pigeon husbandry and morphology. As you are no doubt aware, many adult pigeons congregate at the top of the column where they lay and fertilize eggs. Passing into the structure, by means of a small hatch painstakingly concealed by artistically placed pigeon ****; these eggs slowly descend a spiral channel within the famous landmark, being incubated by means of internal heating within the structure. As the eggs descend, they mature and hatch. The babies reach the bottom after a long and tiring journey, where elderly pigeons (hence these are never seen either!) teach them vital pigeon skills. Skills such as getting into underground stations and trying to eat women’s hairpieces, nearly getting trodden on, and most importantly (as far as pigeon longevity is concerned) annoying the f**k out of Ken Livingstone.


Honda Passion Orange, 640kg *eek*, and proud of it *smile*

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If we were all only in existance in the mind of a fish, would biting the head off the fish cause us all to disappear, or would it be impossible to bite the head off in the first place due to the fact that it is only the mind of the fish that makes us real?


Honda Passion Orange, 640kg *eek*, and proud of it *smile*

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What does it mean to create a web site?

Impress chicks, drink beer, set fire to things, generally have a lot of fun.


The big question is can we combine all the necessary elements into one set of actions? Can we set beer on fire and impress chicks while conserving the most energy possible? The answer of course is yes we can, but should we? Does the world really need flammable beer? To burn beer would present us with a problem. It would be a huge waste of beer to burn it.


Also is the term chicks derogatory? A we trying to impress small birds just hatched from their eggs? No I suppose chicks would indicate female humans, or in the interests of sucking up to women everywhere the fairer sex.


It could also be construed that other terms we use in this discussion could be seen as bad or wrong so if we take it to extremes. We are talking about attempting to impress the fairer sex by removing flammability impaired properties of a popular malt based inebriation inducing beverage.


On second thoughts, who cares, impressing chicks by burning beer sounds oh so much better. Back to the main problem with this scheme, it would be a sin (although satanic worship may be good clean fun for the whole family, we are talking about a sin that is beyond salvation) to waste beer by burning it.


On this note we will have to scrap the idea of being able to combine the main aims of creating a web site (Impress chicks, drink beer and set fire to things) by combining them into one act. (we definitely wont be burning women as they are as much a scarce resource as beer, although I suppose combining beer and women may have it's benefits we will leave this for future study and possible experimentation)


Creating a website will involve any thing you do in order to Impress chicks, drink copious amounts of beer and light as many fires as possibl


Honda Passion Orange, 640kg *eek*, and proud of it *smile*

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Craig, I must disagree most strongly with your theory of lost children.

As you point out the lost children do not just appear, this would indeed be contrary to the laws of Physics. But it appears you have your argument running from the wrong direction. As you state for every lost child there must be an anti-lost child, which we shall now correctly name as a "found" child. If viewed from the other perspective this makes perfect sense, as every time a child is found a lost child is also created. What you have stumbled upon is the portal at which these lost children are created.

The problem is, as you may have already realised, that these are anti-children and if they were to ever re-unite with there positive doppelganger there would be a complete annihilation of all matter and an enormous release of energy.

Taking the average mass of a child to be 50kg this would give 4.5x10to the power18 Joules, assuming this took place in a second(very generous assumption) this would produce a power output equivalent to 2.25x10 to the power15 kettles.

Or enough kettles to cover a square with sides off 10,000km, the pacific ocean would be the nearest comparable surface.

This amount of energy release is considered undesirable so these anti children must be held in a containment field like the one you have discovered on Clacton beach. There are many of these holding areas all over the world, the build up of lost children is posing a serious threat in these areas and a long term solution has been worked out. They are being contained in a glassy solid, "vitrification", and buried in a deep abandoned mine near Dudley.

The moral of this tail is that if you have ever been a lost child don't go to the West Midlands, just in case.




Red and Black 1.8K

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This is what you get if you live in Dudley...


Spooky and Haunted Waterways - Ghost Tour 2001.


Ghosts, Murders And Gruesome Death: Tour Notes....


All of the information below is taken from a cassette recording made by a Ghost Club member during the Ghost Tour. We cannot personally vouch for the validity of any of the stories noted below, but a spokesperson for Dudley Canal Trust Ltd. assured us that the researchers concerned had all done a thorough job on chasing up relevant tales and sources.


On Oct. the 8th, 1964, the tour boat 'Electra' entered Castle Mill Basin with some 30 to 40 passengers on board. A man situated at the front of the boat began indicating towards the nearby entrance to the Wrens Nest Tunnel and everyone on board looked up to see the figures of two children seemingly standing just above the water level..... As the boat moved a little further into the basin, it suddenly swung sharply to the left - towards the entrance of the aforementioned tunnel - completely bereft of human control!


Local legend has it that two children, one eight and the other twelve, made a raft one day and attempted to paddle themselves through the Wrens Nest Tunnel. Sadly, a sudden gust of wind struck the raft, capsizing it, and both of the children drowned.


On October the 8th 1999, a Medium is said to have been invited to take a trip into the lengthly network of tunnels and caves, in an endeavour to cast light on some of the supernatural stories associated with the site. She immediately reported that a great many people had lost their lives in the mines and around about that general area.


As the boat carrying the Medium passed directly under the covered air shaft in the Tipton Tunnel, she suddenly exclaimed: "It was there, it was there - 1906 they're telling me, it was there......." Strangely, no further information was offered on this rather dramatic outburst and no explanation has ever surfaced to account for what was said?


Upon entering Shirts Mill Tunnel, the Medium said: "Write down the name Lilly Baxter - they're telling me 1926...." She claimed that another woman was apparently crying at her side - a woman who had lost her husband who went by the name of George Fell.


He supposedly used to mine ore in the area and had disappeared one night, never to return. Apparently, she is still wandering around down there, vainly searching for him.


At this point it is said that the medium suddenly claimed she just couldn't go on and the boat had to immediately turn back to base!


On the left hand side of Shirts Mill Basin is 'Murder Mine' - so named because, during the 1950's, when the cavern was being cleaned out, an unidentified female skeleton was discovered here.


Lights have been reported turning themselves on and off in the limestone cavern called 'Little Tess'. Once part of a much larger cave, 'Dark Cavern', metal roller shutters - used to seal the area off at night - have been found lowered during daylight hours, stopping boats from entering. On occasion, a mysterious figure has been seen standing next to the entrance of the tunnel, and, at times, the cavern is said to go icy cold.


During the 1980's, when the canal system was being restored, a photograph was taken of the men working inside the cavern. Upon having the shot developed, it was noticed that there were some 25 people in the image - one more than could actually be accounted for! The 25th man was never identified! It was here that one Thomas Baker - a young miner - was crushed to death by tons of falling rock in the mid-19th Century.


In the area known at the 'Singing Cavern', only 12 miners were ever allowed to work there at any one time due to loss of life through rockfall. During the renovation of the caverns, a JCB driver, working alone, supposedly heard someone calling out his name. The incident had such an effect on the man, he apparently never came back to work there again!


One barge Skipper reports having clearly seen someone passing across a raised section of walkway in front of his boat. Strangely, his 50 or so passengers saw nothing at all? Again - apart from the people situated on the boat - the cavern was known to be completely empty...


From time to time, footsteps are heard walking around 'Singing Cavern'. One Miner, John Whitehouse, is recorded as being crushed to death here under falling rock, while another, William Mc. Master, was literally 'blown to smithereens' in a premature explosion as he packed explosives into rods.


A 'Phantom Legger' was once associated with the Dudley Tunnel itself. Legend has it that he was said to appear to passing boat skippers and endeavour to 'leg' their barges through the tunnel for them! (Very accommodating!) Occasionally, the sound of a mouth organ has been heard playing in the tunnel. In years gone by it was not unknown for local children to steal a boat and take a ride down into the tunnel. One such child is believed to have been sitting at the bow of the boat - playing his mouth organ - when he slipped and fell into the water and, unfortunately, was crushed to death.


In 1926, a young man was murdered just above the entrance to Quarry Pit Shaft that leads into the Dudley Tunnel. Bargees are said to have reported seeing balls of mist floating in the centre of the tunnel. As the boat draws near - they mysteriously vanish. At times, sparkling lights have also been seen hovering. Again - as the boat approaches, they too disappear.......


* The Ghost Tour itself cost ?7.00 per person and lasted some 30 minutes. Non - ghost related boat trips are apparently conducted through the tunnel network on a fairly regular basis.


All enquiries: (Phone) 01384 236 275 or write to - Dudley Canal Trust. Blowers Green Pumphouse, Peartree Lane. Dudley. DY2 OXP



1.8K Viper Blue and Black



Edited by - abirtwisle on 23 Feb 2003 00:32:05

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Four wheels on my virtual wagon - but its hard to condense pure wibble into a colour - any sugestions. I am going to go with cyclewings if no one argues with me.


As to the Lost Children sign - surely it cannot exist . The reason being is as soon as the child - presumably lost - reaches the sign they then become found not lost. o either it should read found children or alternatively families who reach the sign must cast their children into the big wide world as lost as directed by the sign. Either way a strongly worded letter should be sent to watchdog.

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Now Rach that is pure wibble - talking about red, black and wibble - where is the master of all three? The great Hoopy 🤔


Craig - If you got all of this wibble off the net maybe you managed to slip into a future time dimension look at your own posting on blatchat then went back into the past and post it. If so you may be a timelord. Check your toolbox for a sonic screwdriver, your wardrobe for a large scarf and your garage for a big blue police box.

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