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replace whole clutch release bearing assembly?


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I have the gearbox out of my car just now and I am replacing the CRB as a precaution.

Is it the whole assembly that gets replaced (bearing and plastic part) or just the bearing itself?

if its both which i'm guessing it is since the new part was provided as an assembly, what is the best way to get the plastic part off?

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The bearing and plastic part should be in one piece and replaced as a whole. When I took mine apart over winter the two fell apart on removal so only fit for the bin.

Not sure why you'd be asking the question unless there is something different about your old / new bearing?


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yes the bearing part came off very easily (the new CRB assembly also separates very easily i.e plastic part from bearing) I presume this is normal and probably why the pre-load mod is done?

yes I was struggling to get the plastic part off. but managed it about 30 seconds after posting!

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Preload mod done to keep the bearing rotating, as bearings are designed to do, by keeping it in contact with the clutch.

Rather than only being forced into contact when the pedal is pressed down, and having to instantly accelerate to 7000rpm, as bearings aren't supposed to do, and overheating and failing.

Reasonable amount of inertia in a stationary bearing - all those rollers have to accelerate too, as well as the outer race.

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I'm puzzled why your old CRB should be in anything other than a single unit.  It seems to me that something moderately catastrophic has already occurred to cause it to be in two pieces.  Can you post up some photos?

I'm also puzzled why the new CRB should separate easily into bearing and carrier.  IME, this would be anything but normal.  Which CRB are you using?

Re the pre-load mod, Bricol is spot on.



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