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Avoiding reduced-size photos

John Vine

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Hi Andrew,

Yes, I was experimenting here with photos (JPGs) from (a) my PC (via upload) and (b) hosted elsewhere.  It seems I can achieve bigger images (full pagewidth) if I insert from the externally hosted ones.  I assume that is because photos uploaded to the L7C server are size-restricted.

I take it your diagrams are PNGs for example, or at least something other than JPGs?  AIUI, JPG compression is poor for text or diagrams, and that GIFs produce better results.


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Hi John, the JPEG versions I have here are fine but when uploading the compression seems to be increased and they are unreadable. Even as PNG or similar they look hopeless when uploaded. If you have found they are OK when hosted externally, it must be just the content storage system that is restricting them. Surely there must be a workaround where large images could be uploaded to a file storage area somewhere outside the CMS? Andrew
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I think the workaround you seek is in fact what I now do for large photos -- that is, put them up on Photobucket (other systems available) and then insert them from there.  It does seem that uploading them via the club server is the problem in that it reduces/restricts size a tad over-aggressively.  Can you try external hosting for your diagrams (that DSO waveform would be a good test)?


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