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Tool Canister & What Tools Do You Carry?


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I was also wondering what tools do most people carry in case of the event of an emergency fix (for an imperial chassis if that makes much difference)?

There's lots on this in the archives. Ranges from a credit card and 'phone to a DIY RAC van.

Open to other tool carrying / storage suggestions too!

Replacement cables strapped to frame tubes. Jack and wrench in front of heater: mine are secured with rubber well nuts.


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As JK says, there are a huge variety of opinions on the essential tools to carry. Some are prepared to carry enough to do major engine surgery and others rely on AA/RAC. I carry spare throttle cable, spare exhaust bobbin and corresponding tools to fit (spanners, screwdrivers and pliers).   That's about it. Oh, plus a variety of cable ties which are probably the most useful. 

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What's your OP problem Rhauri ?

Sods law I suppose but never had any issue whatsoever with OP, always been strong and acurately monitored ... SPA gauge is a great piece of kit.

Sometimes takes a few secs to register on start up if left for a long time.

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Thanks JK - your link took me to the "Tools 'n' spares" thread, just what I was looking for. I find the BC search function a pain unless you know exactly what to search for. I searched for 'Tools' and the aforementioned did not show up.

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Hey Simon, good to see you're knocking around BlatChat!

With the help of Peter & Paul from LADS, I've had the engine out to change the CRB and Spigot Bearing.

When putting the engine back in, we wanted to check the OP at cranking speed before firing it up properly. Only thing we didn't realise was how long we needed to crank it before pressure built. Also worth bearing in mind the Apollo had been completely drained as had the engine and connecting pipework.

No issues though, as last night I primed the Apollo by filling it up a bit from the top hose connection and also took the spark plugs out for a higher rate of cranking (and to take the strain off the starter and battery).

In no time I saw OP so all good!


Just ordered some new HT leads and spark plugs, so when they arrive on Friday I'll be in a position to get her running again!

How's the MX5? Happy with its state of tune?

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Blimey ... engine out already, did the CRB suddenly go, very unlucky.

There is quite a lot of oil to get round with the wet sump & apollo.

Mazda is good thanks, engine is really sweet, the NA Mazda block gives BBR a good canvas to work with, much better than I had hoped - decent low down grunt and good top end at 7,000rpm.

Not the ferocity of the 7 but enough to keep me amused.



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It was actually the spigot bearing that collapsed all of a sudden; the CRB was squeaking loudly though so showing signs of age - not uncommon for them to let go around 30k on these it seems anyway, and was hardly a big parts bill overall *smile*

It let go literally as I got home after a drive out and I was trying to reverse up my drive - couldn't have timed it better really!

That was early December, so really it's not been a bad thing - kept it off the road during the saltiest of months and given me the opportunity to really get to know the ins and outs of the motor and engine bay. Gave it a good clean in there too!

Glad the MX is impressing you, hopefully will get to see it on some blats this Spring/Summer!

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Good that you have it sorted *thumbup*

As for a Wales Blat watch this space ... yes a good idea, there will likely be a mix of cars though and clearly I'll not be in the 7 *frown*

Luckily I do have a couple of good alternatives to hand *driving*

Sunday 30th April looks a good date *thumbs_up_thumb*

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