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ctek very odd behaviour


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Battery a bit low after standing for a while, FIA switch removed, thought i would bung some charge in , before connecting ctek battery voltage around 11.48 volts, using snowflake mode or normal, ctek light 1 flashes for a while as normal (desulphating pulse) then error light, reset same again, tried recond setting similar, error light, remade battery connections checked accross ctek socket getting 11.48 V so connection ok, tried again same problem , reset and left for a while, took longer for error light to come on.  Charger hasn't done a lot of work and always been fine as has  Battery,  will try more aggressive charger tomorrow and see if battery accepts charge .  anyone else seen similar problem, oh and after those attempted charge cycle Battery V dropped to 11.1, which is also odd,


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Is your battery topuppable?


I've just had something similar with a CTEK MXS 5.0 and Powervamp PVR25 battery. Couldn't get past desulphating stage on its own. Could after charging with a dumb trickle charger.

I decided the battery was trying to tell me something and replaced it rather than continue the conversation somewhere less convenient than the garage.


PS: Desulphating pills are available but even if the cells aren't sealed I wouldn't bother.

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not ruled that out JK , but its not an old battery (i terms of usage anyway) and its never been flat flat, i'll check fluids tomorrow and bung on a "dumb ish " charger, she is going to be standing for another few weeks so not urgent, Its a Ctek CTE-XS7000 so maybe could try it on a spare Landy battery . As you say maybe time for a change , have to say considering all the bad press i have seen for Banners this one has been great up until now 


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If it's sulphated, you could try drop testing (SC max current flow test) followed by a rapid charge and/or actually "drop" testing on the garage floor, both of which can shock the plates causing the suphated particles to drop off the plates. This type of electrical engineering is of course fraught with danger so please don't blame me if the battery explodes or the casing cracks. 

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Cheers all, food for thought, will keep Drop testing as emergency measure :-) , will report back later when more aggressive charger has had a go , then i will try a recondition with ctek, thanks for tip on connector , did wonder about the intermediate connector between ctek and crocs , 




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well cheap Chinese charger worked fine, brought voltage back up to 12.4, CTEK now behaving itself , sometimes think these clever chargers are sometimes too clever , I would have been stuck if i hadn't had a choice of chargers, to be honest out of all my chargers (that would be quite a sad comment on any other forum :-) )  the Aldi Auto xs at £13.99 has been most reliable and done best job on several sizes of battery and claims to do everything the CTEK does (apart from recon.)  although can't really claim how good it is at Maintenance charging but it does have a continuous mode , just never used it. Thanks for all the input



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I don't think it;s a good idea leaving batteries hooked up to chargers , have had quite a few motorbike batteries ruined by leaving them connected for months over the winter with so called intelligent chargers.

I have found the batteries dried out, its ok with wet batteries that you can top up up but not sealed batteries.


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I had a similar problem recently, turned out it was the Ctek connector...


Yep loose connector here too throws up exactly the same condition from time to time. Reconnect the connector and its all back to normal again.


Whilst we here talking Ctek, I've often wondered what's going on when you switch between Snow Flake Mode & the Normal mode.......Anyone care to enlighten me ? *wink*


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