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Bits falling off!


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I'm having a bit of a run on bits falling off my SLR, today it was the turn of the bolt/ spacer? that holds the Alternator slide to the block followed by the Alternator belt that made a very good attempt to get in the cambelt cover like Mr Carmichael's!. I did a temporary fix with a new belt and bits from the toolkit plus a couple of bits nicked from A****star who happened to be there testing.


The question is the guy from A****star said there was an o-ring behind the spacer to reduce vibration, however since the temporary repair I'm getting oil weeping from the bolt hole in the block....... is the o-ring there to seal because the bolt hole goes through to the crankcase? or have I suffered terminal block damage?



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Havn't looked yet but will be doing before running it again. I'm pretty sure the oil is coming from this mounting hole? if not the only thing I can think of is the crankshaft oil seal. possibly damaged by belt strands?


Time to have a bit of a stripdown tonight I think



btw The map worked well with nice steady idle and clean pull, loads of mid range torque but a bit unwilling to pull beyond 7.5k revs in 4th and above



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it does indeed have an o-ring as I discovered when I bought a replacement yesterday from a Rover dealer, they said it was there to temporarily hold the spacer to the back of the slide when fitting as it's a bit of a git to fit without



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