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Problem: Red ignition light on and loss of some I instruments

Nick Bassett

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Out for a lovely blat this afternoon when all of a sudden red ignition light comes on and I lose most of my instruments except speedo. Headlights and indicators work fine and instrument lights work too. Engine running fine.

Drove straight home...about 12 miles without issue except symptoms above remaining. Checked car over but nothing obvious found.

Car is a 94 Supersport.

Any ideas?

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  1. Do you have a wiring diagram and a multimeter? This shouldn't be too hard if you have. We need to check if you're charging or not.
  2. Check the fuse for the instruments.
  3. Check all the wiring and connectors at the battery terminals: disconnect, inspect, clean, and reconnect.
  4. Ditto alternator. 
  5. Ditto dashboard earth.
  6. Check that the alternator belt is present and tension about right, and that the alternator isn't loose on its bolts. 


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Thanks Jonathan.

i do have a wiring diagram but no multimeter.

New battery fitted last month and all terminals clean and tight. Alternator also fitted properly and belt at correct tension. Odd that I haven't lost speedo?

Where is the dashboard earth if that isn't a stupid question?!! There seems to be one which is on the right near to the two windscreen stanchion bolts that could do with a clean.

it does seem like an earthing problem to me or perhaps it's a new duff battery?

Any other thoughts?

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i do have a wiring diagram but no multimeter.

Recommended multimeter: Draper 60792.

Odd that I haven't lost speedo?

What sort of speedometer? It is a bit odd... unless it's mechanical!

Where is the dashboard earth if that isn't a stupid question?!! There seems to be one which is on the right near to the two windscreen stanchion bolts that could do with a clean.

That sounds likely.

it does seem like an earthing problem to me or perhaps it's a new duff battery?

I can't explain it with a single fault at the moment... can anyone else?

But I'm always suspicious of recent work...


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I wonder if this is a alternator problem after reading this:


I did stop the car and when I started it again the red light had gone out...then when I booted it down the road it came on again! Perhaps this was the cause of the battery failing last month?

I replaced the alternator when I bought the car 9 years ago but have probably only covered 12k since then...surely an alternator would last longer than that?

Perhaps I'll call out the RAC and get their view...

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I wonder if this is a alternator problem...

Could be. But how would that explain the loss of the instruments... they should still run off the battery until it's pretty flat.

Perhaps I'll call out the RAC and get their view...

They should be able to diagnose it quite quickly: they have multimeters! :-)

Perhaps this was the cause of the battery failing last month?

Could be. It''s not a good idea to replace batteries until you know that the charging is working.


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Thanks for your help Jonathan.

We went out early last month and got caught in some torrential rain... a thorough soaking. I'll check that dash earth lead first as maybe some corrosion has been created as a result of that wet blat. If that doesn't fix it then the RAC will be the next stop!

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"The speedo is a standard Caterham one.

I don't know what was fitted to Supersports in 1994: mechanical from the gearbox, electronic from  a wheel sensor or electronic from the gearbox."

My old 1999 1.8K had a mechanical speedo (driven via one of these from the gearbox), so I imagine yours would be the same.


Re the red warning light, this can come on even though the alt is charging correctly, especially if the signal-wire contact at the alt is poor.  The way to check is to measure the voltage across the battery at, say, 2-3K rpm.  If the value is 14v+, your alt is charging ok.

The loss-of-instrument symptoms suggest an earthing fault to me.


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 If you suspect the alternator and it got a recent soaking, do check if you have the wires in a plug enclosure.

i suffered alternator failure after a soaking, fixed by buying a plug enclosure for the wire, that use the clip you probably have on the back of the alternator. It's very exposed down there to the elements. My 7 just had wires going straight to alternator with no real protection.

Of course, if you have the plug, ignore my suggestion! 


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What kind of alternator warning light do you have? Is it the little LED built into the tacho or do you have a separate warning bulb on the dash on a car of that vintage?

All of the instruments are powered from one fuse (certainly on later cars, Fuse 2, 10 amps). If this blew you would use all the instruments. And if the warning light was a bulb rather than an LED, also powered by the same fuse (as I think it would be), the loss of the supply voltage here would cause the alternator to back feed through the warning light, partially powering all the instrument systems and causing the alternator warning light to glow (I don't see that it could do this with an LED as they only pass current in one direction, unless they have some internal diodes to make them reversible). This could quite easily give you partially working tacho.

Check that fuse!

What happens when you switch the heater fan on? This is normally on the same fuse. If that fuse has gone, the heater fan won't work properly and the light will probably increase in brightness when the motor tries to draw current.

PS: On an engine test rig I'm running, when I first built it, back feed through the alternator warning light was enough to power the ECU and engine electrics at idle after I switched the ignition off; I had to add an extra large "power on" bulb to pull the voltage down to get it to actually switch off!

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Thanks Revilla.

Alternator warning red light sits in the dash between the speedo & rev counter - I think it sits above the full beam blue light.

I will indeed check & replace fuse 2 - plus any others.

Now that you mention it, I think the fan did stop working - not certain, but pretty sure.

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