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New lightweight rear light blocks....

Julian Thompson

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We have a prototype!!


Rich has managed to make the first set of these and I think they're an outstanding looking thing!


I've not even spoken to him yet but I just got some photos sent to me and thought I'd just post here to let you know we're still beavering away!!


I'll come back once we've got some more info!





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I'm at Rich's house at the moment having a light block conference!


He's got so many "trial" light blocks lying everywhere that we could make a small spaceship out of them!


Anyway, lots and lots of hard work have resulted in a production technique, and I'm glad to say that the finished results look just great. There is quite a lot of hand finishing needed once the actual block comes out of the mould; these are certainly not the "shelling peas" operation I orignally envisaged!


Nevertheless, we've got a plan that involves Richard moulding them in Oxfordshire and then me "productionising" the finishing process in Manchester before shipping them out to you lot!


The seal between the lens and the block has been dealt with because the mould actually reproduces that fine edge; you could use a wipe of sealant (as shown on Rich's car) but to be honest this is belt and braces and my lenses used to steam up anyway before!


The final versions are actually 3 layers thick of carbon, and so are very strong. This means that there will be no distortion of the block when the bolts are tightened and means a gasket between the block and the wing isn't needed.


Weight of the blocks is.............90g......PER PAIR !!!!

(Standard ones are nearly a kilo a pair!!)




I will post up the pictures of a finished block on Rich's car tonight for you to see.


By the way, not that there was ever going to be a problem, but Rich's car did its MOT this morning with the carbon light blocks.



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Life is strange.


You but a se7en.............. then get very excited about a small block of carbon fiber.


















I cant wait to get mine

*thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*







Su77on Se7ens

See our web site here.

Bugger...... I aint done it yet

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It'll be a bloody one time offer if Rich keeps curing carbon moulds in the kitchen *eek*


No, seriously (and I'm sure Sue will be serious if this carries on 😬) we are definately going to keep tinkering. Rich is currently working on a carbon rear numberplate lens too, to complete the matching set......


And I've got lots of other quite mad ideas....

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😬 Yes, I noticed that too - I'm not sure exactly what Rich is doing in this shot !


Erm, not sure how many but quite a few. We've not actually formally agreed a price yet since we are still fiddling with different techniques to try and make it easier to make, and also cut down on the number of "rejects" !


At least no-one can claim they "urgently need" a set !



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