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Lady members hair question


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After a 3-day trip to the south of France Mrs teembo is less than pleased with the rearrangement of her hair by the combination of motorway driving and the mistral.

What do our ladies do to keep their hair in check, short of a flying helmet ?  The hair here is too short to be tied back, but long enough to flap around wildly.

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A head scarf didn't work for my Boss, either.

'The Boss' now uses one of my old Borneo type (bucket hat, beanie hat, etc.) hats which, she says, is large enough not to crush the coif, but small enough to stay in place.

For 'belt and braces' security, she has also sown two frightfully sweet ribbons on the sides, to enable her to tie it loosely under her dainty chin.  On me, however, it now makes me look like a *%!?"$*!

On grumpy days, however, she simply insists on the half-hood.

I'm considering an intercom and guessing that an added benefit might be that the pudding basins over each ear, along with the connecting strap, might be enough to stop her crowning glory getting in her eyes.  Can anyone here confirm this?


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Headscarf didn't work.


A head scarf didn't work for my Boss, either.

OK. I had wondered if we might have a club headscarf for this situation. I think with two negative reports, I won't follow it up. I'll leave the idea with the horsey brigade (and the Morgan lovers)

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swimming cap or shaved head - less wind resistance, rain drops blow right off and anyway, light is right. Or, just present her with a dozen red roses at the end of the trip!

Xinha uses baseball cap when driving ours in the summer and combines it with a pashmina after dark and on colder days. Not tried in winter yet, but determined never to use the hood.

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I admire your determination.    There comes a point at which The Boss simply puts her foot down, and that's usually when I want to put my foot down.

Truth is, when faced with a couple of hours of motorway driving, even I resort to the half-hood for comfort.

As for my own headgear, whist I prefer driving without a hat, on sunny days I find the peak of a baseball cap a huge improvement to dynamic visual acuity, or, as we scientists call it, 'seeing.'  Even with the side screens, however, it never feels quite secure.  One of my flat caps feels more secure, but the shorter peek reduces acuity.  Strangely, I've found one of my panama hats to be the most secure, even at high speeds, despite sticking above the screen (I'm 6' 2", though have lowered floors).  How do the ladies feel about panamas?  Mine refuses as she says it would still crush the hairstyle.

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We, too, resorted to the half-hood to escape the turbulence but it just got too hot.  Maybe without doors, but that kind of defeats the object.

I found a well-fitting baseball cap to be essential, a small version felt like I was about to lose it all the time, a good peak is a necessity down here to avoid a permanent squint.

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I've certainly found that the full hood requires no more clothing than a towel.  And perhaps some pine paneling might be in keeping, rather than carpets.  But thus far (I'm still very much a newbie), Ive found the half-hood usually gives a pleasant waft around the back of the neck.

I can't help wondering where your 'down here' is.  For me, I find the late afternoon and evening to be the time a good peak most useful.  As for the latitude, I remember modernist architects needing to keep in mind that in the UK, they should use at least 1m overhang on eaves, whereas in more southern areas they could get away with narrower eaves, as the sun is closer to the vertical for longer.

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