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ECU map and unlock code - MBE


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Anyone got an R300 ecu map??? Also interested if anyone knows the unlock code Minister/Caterham put on the 967 ECU


If you have enither of these could you email them to me ....




Arnie Webb

The Fat Bloke *mad* back @ 512k

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Arnie, I would also like to know this code if you find out.


I have a friend who is looking into such, but I think it will take the form or trial and error. Do you know if there is a time-out if you enter the wrong code? If not, I might be able to write a little something to poll the ECU until it gets the right answer.


I understand the R400 maps have been sorted by Caterham now and they are contacting all users to have their ECU's updated. This might be the right time to ask Caterham if they'll divulge the code or, if they use the same code for all ECU's, change the code on your ECU and tell you what it is (so you don't tell all the other users what code they use). This would appear to protect Caterham's chosen code whilst allowing the user access.


I am uncertain of the legalities of Caterham not issuing you with the code. On one hand they might claim copyright protection but on the other they have sold you the car so you own it and ought to be allowed to do what you want with it.


May affect the warranty if you mess though.


I'll let you know if I find out.


Worcs L7 club joint AO.//Membership No. 4379//Azure Blue SLR No. 0077//Se7ens List Tours


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I'll try 0000 soon (interestingly I have Merrick's old 967 ecu!! its a long story...) I'm getting the laptop interface pins put in soon so I'll try then.


I was looking at an SLR race calibration last night, the highest duty cycle on the injector (roller barrel equipped car) was 43%!!! From 0 to load site 6 (out of 15) the pulse width is less than 2ms. Below 2ms the injector characteristics are almost random as it takes most of that time for the valve to open and close again therefore the actual open time is v small and not accurate. I'm not surprised they drive poorly and fail SVA/MOT. I'll be using smaller injectors in mine and adjusting the fuelling to suit.


Count - you have mail.



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Arnie - doesn't the MBE software run under Windows ? Why don't you just write a quick bit of VBA to sendkeys at it until it gives up?


AFAIR when I was looking for this info in the archives I found one post which published the PIN, but I can't remember how I found it - it is there though!


Honda Passion Orange, 640kg *eek*, and proud of it *smile*

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"Why don't you just write a quick bit of VBA to sendkeys at it until it gives up?"


Sorry but I'm no geek.......I only know how to talk about this stuff, not how to actually do it!



Arnie Webb

The Fat Bloke *mad* back @ 512k

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Extract from Easimap help:


If the ECU you are working on is to be used in a multi-user enviroment, you may wish to prevent unauthorised access to the map data. Usually any person with an ECU and a copy of the mapping software can access the data inside that ECU. However, Easimap allows you to set a four digit PIN code (Personal Identification Number) inside a particular ECU. After this code has been set, any attempt to read and write data to the ECU or perform any kind of function that alters ECU code or data will be blocked until the user enters the correct PIN code. Once the correct PIN code is entered, the user is then free to access the ECU until either the mapping software is restarted or the PIN code is changed. Once this happens, the PIN code will be required again for further access.


To me 4 digit means 4 decimal type numbers. The only ECU's I have worked on from MBE that have had PIN's set are set to a default value of 1111. Worth trying that.


But if Caterham or Minister have chosen to set a PIN then it would seem you'll need to get it from Caterham or Minister.

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[caterham loyalty test on]



So if I discover the pin should I post it on Blatchat??




[/caterham loyalty test on]


They told me there was no way they would disclose it even when I suggested aledgeedly Swindon got a 8bhp improvement on an SLR map just by remapping - why portect something thats not so great I asked. NO came the answer......


Call a doctor, quick.... Present activities are not a good sign......

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When I spoke to Simon on the subject he explained that if they gave the pin away they would have lots of possibly unskilled people fiddling and some would blow their engines and try to claim on the warranty.


So that's fair enough, lots of things come with "if you break the seal you invalidate the warranty".


Anyway when I spend money to develop software to sell to my clients, I only sell them a licence to run it (and of course - EU regs - interact with it) not have the source code and change it!


Just a thought!




(PS post it on blatchat...hmmm...up to you!)

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I think Graham is right. It wouldn't be good to have people fiddling around with their map if they didn't have the competence to at least undo their fiddling. It only takes one fool to set the limiter to 13000 rpm and their toy will get broken, but they have someone else to point the finger at... I certainly wouldn't want to be the one that Caterham approached with the fee for undoing all the ensuing damage!


As an academic 'I've got nothing better to do on Valentine's day ☹️' exercise, it has only taken a couple of hours with rudimentary tools to figure out how to work out what the PIN is, so if someone is determined they can do that too.


So my vote is that Arnie doesn't reveal the PIN, and we assume that anyone competant enough to figure out what the PIN is, is competant enough to not get themselves in a 'situation' with their map. It's easier to crack a problem when you know it's already been solved...


Honda Passion Orange, 640kg *eek*, and proud of it *smile*

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good point Arnie, but they don't need one! All they need to do is to refuse to give out the pin! That's what they do. The difference is that there is no agreement not to reverse engineer! That's covered (in software) by law anyway.


They don't give out the design diagrams either, nor the finite element analysis, nor the failure analysis.


So if you get the pin, there is no licence agreement on what you can or cannot do with it!!! Looks good to me.


So the question is what happens if you are the owner of an R400, you hack the ECU, change the map and blow the engine??



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(Oar In)

Also one has to consider the relationship between what is not illegal and what is smart 😬


I'd hate to hear this phone conversation:

"Hello Caterham, this is Rover. I hear some of the Caterham owners have got hold of the unlock code." "Wasn't us that supplied it." Replies Caterham. "Tough luck, we have been slapped with a multi million pound law suit for exceeding emission standards, you can't buy your engines from us any more."


(Oar Out)

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Caterham are listed as an engine supplier hence the reason they are listed in the MOT charts, MG Rover wouldn't get into hot water - Caterham might. In normal production vehicles the manufacturer has to prove emmisions compliance by running a representative batch of cars through tests, as Caterhams aren't type approved nowadays this doesn't count (thats why even factory cars need SVA). The onus on having safe cars that meet emisions regs is on the builders (you and me) or Caterham if they supply the car fully built to SVA. If your car fails SVA then Caterham should fix it (make it fit for purpose). If it fails mot/emmsions out of warranty then its the owners problem.


Perhaps Caterham could put a timer on the ECU to unlock it after your warranty runs out? Then if you break it.... lets not go there


You can of course just erase the map and build your own.



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