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Does size matter - Numbers


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You need to reference J 4.xx where it states that numbers must be 23cm (9" in old money), however over the years I have seen all shapes and sizes and they never seem to be questioned.

Some competitors have white backgrounds others don't bother.

Also you're supposed to cover up the numbers when using the car on the road and I understand that just putting a line of tape over the numbers is sufficient but at some meetings the CoC will say that numbers should be completely covered up......

If only competing in L7C champ then no other numbers are needed.

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Strictly speaking J 4 is not enforced in Hill climbs & sprint and the sizes are recommendations for hill climbs and sprints as it's not referenced in S9.2.5.

However I would recomment you use 9" and either Black on a light coloured car or White on a dark coloured car and you will be fine, on most venues you would probably get away with 7" but might get problems on a couple of venues. 

If you want the racing car look then you can get the whiite background.

Normally if you are doing more than a couple of events it's best to leave the numbers on but as chris says strike through them with tape. I normally put two pieces of gaffa tape accross the top and bottom of the numbers. 

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Haha -  I just leave my numbers on one season to the next, changing only those that I need (my '5's have done 3 seasons, my '1's 2 and I've had '4's twice.... unfortunately not back-to-back!!  I've saved myself, what, about £4.20 in the process, but a fair bit of faffing around too.... (especially if you are a stickler for getting everything lined up!). Yup, number change time is the only time my car gets waxed!!!  *smile*

(Now hair I don't have a problem with.... not that anyone uses a hair dryer round here.... a hot air gun (used carefully!) has the same effect!)



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In the Regs it states:

10. COMPETITION NUMBERS:  Vehicles will be identified by competition numbers allocated by the organisers and confirmed in the final instructions/provisional entry lists. Numbers should be affixed to BOTH SIDES of the car in accordance with S 9.2.5.

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