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After School Meeting

Alex Birtwisle

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Perhaps somewhere near Silverstone as so many reply-ers live in Cambs/Herts but we've got a few Northern or Western-ers too... 🤔


But haven't considered the South of London posse so perhaps more Watfordy 🤔


Come on, tell all *thumbup* *confused*

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ChrisB - I used to live just down the road from you in Whitworth road, does that count ?


You are on the road going up to the golf club ?


There used to be a gorgeous Austin Healy 3000 that lived near there. Plus Martin Pfaff (sp ?) of Ginnetta fame used to live close too.


Ahhh, those were the days. Finish the early shift at 2:30pm, on T'Snake by 3:10pm *smile*

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Well, I rekkun it's somewhere around Leicester/Derby/Nottingham triangle or Leicester/Derby/Nottingham/Peterborough parallelogram *confused*.......and we're pretty close to that..........so, if I'm right, I'll get my mummy to show me how to bake cakes and cut crusts off sammiges and we can all have tea chez moi *tongue* *tongue*

FH *cool*


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But we could always have an inflateable bikeshed at Curbrough


We marshaled at last year's events and had the added comfort of the sshhh,

corporate hostility unit
😳 but there is an oven, barbecue, shower, oh and a bed for us and the dawgs 😬... but if we put up the awning, brought tables and chairs etc, we could all sit around outside and play marbles and drink tea *cool*
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I'm just good *cool*


I remember The Barts Arms, when working in Huntington I drove across to Blakesly to he L7c meeting...


and got the wrong night 😳 (Monday)


same as the first time I went to the E&NY L7C meeting on the 2nd Wednesday and last month when I turned up on the 4th 😳 😳


I've managed one Cam7 and two Ne7ers meets OK, but someone best come and collect me for the Bikeshedders do *confused* 😳 *confused*








My Caterham Silver Jubilee No. 7 is here with Mavis, under 'Mark's Cars'.

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Mav, if you read some of my posts carefully, I talk a similar language *wink* 😬 Anyway ... next time we see you she will beat me up so I guess it will fair


As for my affair ...... you promised not to tell anyone *mad* At least you have not told anyone which farm yard animal it is *eek* *wink*


Noger ....... yes, between Mornington Crescent and Camden Town 😬



1.8K Viper Blue and Black


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In answer to your questions, yes, there was and he still does *confused*

Saw Martin at the Motor show.

His cars were clad with very lovely ladies 😳

Martin was making as much as possible of the media reporting on how politically incorrect he was being *thumbup*

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