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Tyres - just to be clear

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Does the club now have clarity on tyres for the coming season?

For class 4 it looks like list 1b stands - is that correct?

So I can't use ZZR in soft compound (A24?) for this season unless they are marked with 15156 or 15157, which mine are not?

So assuming the above is correct, what are people opting for? 

Sorry I know this has been done to death!

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As it stands that is correct.

There is though a formal amendment  proposal that has been submitted to the MSA on behalf of a number for clubs to include 1c in all road going specialist production classes. This has Avon and Kumho backing.

I can not add any further as there is no further info.

It's up to you as to when you have to commit to a purchase.

If the proposal was accepted by the MSA this Club need not change its rules and it could stick with 1b.

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It may have been done to death but the outcome is as clear as mud to me

Picking up snippets of information from other posts

Understand need for OEM marking if using ZZR

ZZS allowable but may not be quickest

R888 is on list 1B but not in standard Caterham sizes?

A possible gentlemans (sic) agreement to all run the same tyre in Class3

And now there may yet be a relaxation on 1C's in road going classes

What is looking pretty certain is when all is clear there will not be enough of the chosen one to go around and the early events therefore look at risk

If someone can add clarity please do


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currently no one knows what will be the tyre to be on for 2016. Your guess is as good as the next. 

If it remains as list 1b then it will not be obvious for sometime if one tyre has the edge over another. You may find that there is little to choose between  them. 

If they thing Simon has posted happens then it's back to the same tyres as last year.

so in a nut shell, is all a gamble. Hold off till the last minute , but then there may be lack of tyres available or buy early and find you got the wrong tyres. 

Not sure that a "control" tyre is going to get anywhere. It will be interesting to see what classes on 1b tyres do. 

This was always going to be the case given the new changes by the MSA . 

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  • Area Representative

I thought we'd had a vote, and decided to use tyres from the NEW list 1b?

IF the MSA change their mind (in my opinion, very unlikely), then, surely, we need another vote before swapping back to the new list 1C tyres?

For those that want to use list 1C tyres, then there is already a class to cater for them. Class 6.

I understand we've submitted championship regulations for this year to the MSA, that list classes 1 & 2 on list 1A tyres, 3,4, &5 on list lB, class 6 list 1C, and 7 on any tyre you like.

With just eight weeks to the first scheduled event of our season, there is no longer any time for any kind of turn around!

In the interest of making our club championship more inclusive, I'd still be in favour of running tyres from the new list 1B. I think the gap between CR500's and supersoft Kumhos or A24 ZZR's was much greater than the gap between the the new list 1b tyres and CR500's.


Remind me, what was better, SS Kumhos or A24 ZZR's ?  *wink*



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Gentlemen, for clarity, the regulations as submitted are list 1B Radial Tyres for classes 3-5, and at this point if the MSA came back with a change to allow 1C tyres in road going our regulations will not be amended to change tyre eligibility away from what has been included in the draft regulations.

As pointed out some versions of tyres on the List 1B such as the ZZR are is only permissible in a specific size & compound and this in the case of the ZZR has been identified by the specific part numbers 15156 or 15157 which are the part numbers on the tyres as originally supplied by Caterham, and are not the supersoft compounds previously used for sprinting.


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if as Chris says Class three is 1B, can we have confirmation if class three has a gentlemen's agreement on ZZS ? And a list of names who is agreeing with this , then we know how to proceed , if not I will go ZZR in road going compound ,why do we have to wait to the last minute to spend £500  and find we cannot get the tyres we need. I am happy for a gentlemen's agreement and I am assuming these tyres will easily last two seasons so the gentlemen so agreement needs to be for this minimum period. Can a leading class 3 competitor start a list that we can join and see that we have a majority of regular competitors.



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Phil, No If about it, Class 3 is 1B

As to gentlemens agreements whilst I applaud the idea that existing competitors are agreeing to use the same tyre to remove the tyres as an unknown factor, please remember that only what is in the regulations is actually binding, other competitors joining into Class 3 may be using a different tyre, and this would be perfectly acceptable.

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I  realise  that a gentleman's  agreement cannot include  all newcomers  as they need the option to use tyres  they have , and If a competitive driver joined class 3 with a different tyre  and was quickest the agreement would quickly tumble. But maybe the assumption of gentlemen in Class 3 is the problem !!! I will give it a couple of weeks and then plough my own furrow.


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Whilst I was hoping to make an inspired decision and choose a tyre no one else has and in doing so run away with the class I will also be on ZZS

In my attempts to make a decision on facts Toyo have confirmed their older R888 tyre is still available SG (soft) compound and meets the requirements of 1B, its available in 185 and 205 but only with a 60 profile so has larger rolling diameter and may be a tight fit under front wings.


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I think I'll be starting on my CR500s and seeing where they get me.  I might as well use them as they don't get much use on the road.  Once I realise they are 3 seconds off the pace, I'll change to ZZSs though, for sure.

Oli :)

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  • Leadership Team

To carry this to its logical conclusion - where are people buying their ZZSs from, and what are they paying?  BMTR looks like £120/corner, but Birmingham isn't desperately convenient for me.  Other than Avon directly and CC, anyone else I should be looking at in the SE?



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  • Support Team

Are the 245/50R13 ZZS available yet?

If I were to go the 1B route then 215 front and 245 rear sounds about right for class 5 if a little "Carlos Fandango" *laugh*

Also anyone know if Supersoft Kumhos are in stock yet?

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