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Caged FIA sticker for a cage

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Following Simon's helpful post about how to get Caged to supply a sticker for those of us who haven't got one, I sent photos & SAE etc some weeks ago but have heard nothing back.

Did anybody else do the same and get a sticker yet?

Do want to start chasing as they are doing us a favour but was expecting a response by now. 


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I disagree and think it's fair.  They have to dig out paperwork check things over and send it out to you.


its not their fault the sticker was removed.  Yes I had to pay for the SV cage I have recently sold.


its a business not a charity.  No the cost of the sticker won't be that much but the employee could be earning or creating more income if undertaking other work.

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 I agree Simon that there is a cost ( not sure it equates to £20) but my point is that you had kindly managed to negotiate with them to get them FOC.They then managed to lose what I had sent them & then introduce a charge retrospectively; this was after a previous purchase from them took two months to resolve due to poor administration by them where they lost the correspondence & simply didn't fulfill on their commitments in anything like a timely manner.

I don't have a problem paying them for the time involved had that been made clear up front. Anyway all sorted now, so thanks to Dan at Caged & Simon for the original approach.

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I suspect for both Caged and safety devices that it's become almost a full time job for someone at the moment as it's not just us affected.

£25 vs the cost of a new cage, I snapped there hand off, as I was resigned to the fact that it was extremly unlikely that they could trace it, but all credit there did manage to trace it and sent me the paperword and the sticker.

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