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Cadwell Park - Date Change! Now Friday May 27th


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Got a call from the track organisers this morning to tell me that the date of June 2nd was given to us in error - thanks guys!   So we've negotiated a date of Friday May 27th (Friday before Bank Holiday) So please adjust your calenders (again) and I apologize for messing you all about. This sort of behavior will not be tolerated.   (All dates and inserts in forthcoming Lowflying will be correct) Dave - See more at: http://www.lotus7.club/forum/chitchat/lotus-7-club-cadwell-park-trackday-second-and-final-ammendment-now-friday-may-27th#sthash.TWlNnHtb.dpuf

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Leadership Team

It very much looks as though Friday 27th May is going to be the date for Cadwell, and I hope to have final confirmation within the next 48 hours.  Behind the scenes, we've been 'doing the paperwork' with MSV for the day; the final step is for our deposit payment to be recognised by MSV and at that stage - finally - we will be able to consider the date as watertight.

So sit tight for a further day or two, tops, and then we'll be there!


Joint Trackday Coordinator

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  • Leadership Team

Good news!

Exclusive Club trackday is now CONFIRMED for Friday 27th May; sorry that it took so long to get to this point but, hey, Dave and I are learning the ropes here...

Full details and a Booking Form will be available in the next issue of Low Flying but Dave and I are happy to take bookings on a provisional basis by email to our respective Lotus 7 Club email addresses.  So, if you want to be at the front of the queue then drop either myself or Dave a line at:




We will accept these emails as 'intentions to book' and will effectively reserve places for you on a first-come first-served basis until such time as the official booking forms are available.  If we get to a point of being oversubscribed before the forms are released then we'll give priority to the early bookers, so long as the expressions of interest are backed up by payment to secure the place promptly after the forms do become available.

Further detail in Low Flying then, but a couple of pointers as to how Dave and I are intending to run things:

Firstly, we will certainly be starting the day on a Sessioned Basis (that is, with three categories of driver graded by experience and performance, with each group being allowed on track for a single twenty minute session per hour) but our intention will be to move to Open Pit Lane (OPL) as soon as we judge this to be sensible, taking into account driving standards and behaviour (ahem..) and - importantly - making sure that the lesser experienced drivers feel comfortable with this.

And secondly, although we can't promise it at the moment, our aim is to arrange a get-together over a curry somewhere in the locality for the evening before the track day; hopefully a good way to break the ice, meet fellow members and generally get in the mood for a cracking day to follow.

Should be a great event!


Joint Trackday Coordinator

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