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Top seat belt mount template


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Check the 249 dimension on your seat belt fixings and if different amend accordingly, but it fits my metric chassis so I expect its the same on imperial. I'm not sure why it calls for 14.5 dia holes as from memory the bolts are 7/16 unf and 11.5 dia would be nearer the mark I think.

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Mike, you're right the bolts are 7/16 unf, so i'm wondering if the larger dia hole is to allow for the stepped bushings that allow for swivel.

Jeff, Grade 8 imagine, not had a chance to mock up in garage yet so not sure what lengths to go for, but suggestion is that plate is made from 3 or 4mm steel so allowing for harness lug, bushings and nut would imagine an inch long would be sufficient. Although I'm considering whether to weld a boss in under each hole to spread the load a bit - just because i've had too many pies - so would need to go longer on bolts.

Simon, if I'm going to have enough left of upgrade budget for some of your trick shocks then it's going to be HANS for me, 3rd of price of Simpson as far as I can see, unless you know otherwise?

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Give Me Kimberly a call at Tweeks. You may be surprised but yes its more expensive.

BUT I can wear it in any car or as a passenger and I have side protection and its purported on Mort forum threads in many various places that they are significantly more comfortable to wear.  I have not worn a Hans so can not confirm but for me the main thing is side impact protection and it goes with me not the car.

P's I think you are miss understanding how the seat belt Bush is supposed to work

The bolt hole should suit the bolt size. The top hat bush is supposed to have a greater step height than the thickness of the belt plate. When the bolt is tight this means the plate is not and it can rotate.

Forgive me if you new that but sitting the bush into the wider plate hole would not achieve this.

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Simon, all fair points in favour of simpson but cost will sway it for me especially as need to buy new helmet too, although might change mind when try HANS on.

All advice gratefully received, see what you mean but think i need to get some alternative top hat bushes or else turn the ones i have down to give a longer inside collar, I've got a bush going in from either side of plate to allow swivel.

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I am also strongly considering the Simpson Hybrid.  Although for the cost of the making up the HANS bracket (peanuts in comparison to the Hans or Simpson) I thought I might as well.  And if I do go Simpson then having the belts equidistant would always be of benefit..

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As our resident expert perhaps you can help, I was reading through the Simpson info and I got the impression that the angle and positioning of the top mounts when using the Simpson device was just as critical as when using a classsic HANS device so you have to make the chassis mod no matter which device you decide to use

Or am i mistaken (more then likely!!)


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That's interesting! I read that exactly as you do!

It would appear that Simpson Hybrid requires very similar harness anchor points to a traditional HANS. Infact, it looks like the desired mounting points for the Hybrid are actually closer than a traditional HANS.


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I have read on many forums about the discomfort of the HANS compared to the Simpson.

I have also seen reports that after a big impact where admittedly the device probably saved significantly greater injusry a HANS will have damaged a few ribs.

The Hybrid does not do that.

But again its the side impact protection I want.

Everyone is individual and will have their own preference and so it should be. Until you are comp sec and can set out your own rules back in your box !!! *boxedin*  *thumbup*  Or are you escaping the entertaining you have to do ?

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The statement still holds I find my HANS comfortable. I can not comment if it less or more comfortable than the Simpson as I have not tried it. 

Re safety! Not sure there is much evidence to say one is better than another in a Caterham. 

Go one stage further, there are only a few of us who have chosen HANS for safety reasons not just because the MSA say you must.



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Re measurement of shoulder belt fixings, mine is a '92 de dion chassis and hence imperial. The distance between the centre of each fixing is significantly different to the measurement shown in the above template,

For the record mine is 8"  *wink* no laughing at the back please! (or 203mm in this new fangled metric malarkey *laugh* )


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